Peak Critique
We’re approaching a stage of peak critique it seems. The Online Right has always been primarily about critique. When you strip away everything else people unite behind criticizing modernity and liberalism in all its forms. This ranges from the Paul Joseph Watson kind of media style outage of IMAGINE MY SHOCK to extremely in-depth more nuanced critiques in long form essays.
Currently there has been a realization from many that the broader Right has never really funded much culture in this day and age. In fact most cultural institutions, think of the ballet, opera, theater, and gallery, are all funded by donors who are cloud people. Our globohomo liberal elites. They put the money into these institutions and of course the output is what one would expect.
The critique class of the Online Right has picked up on this finally and there are now a slew of them out there writing articles busily about how sad this is. Or they are doing a YouTube stream discussing another critique of the culture war. As someone running a project on a shoestring, as a hobby, I have attempted to engage with many of these people. Replies to tweets, DMs, I’ve even asked to pay my own money for an advertisement. The response.
A stone wall of silence.
I’m not writing this to complain or ask for monetary support. I am venting my frustration that the critique class seem so uninterested in actually exploring what art and literature is out there and how difficult it seems to be to cross the divide and work together to promote it.
This critique centric culture can’t hold, people are going to want real substance which is what poetry, literature, music and visual art provide.
One way or another we’re going to break through.