The Jazzes : OPEN

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Репост из: Heavenly Bloushie OPEN 15.00
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[ For my BA mutuals and anyone who heeds this, could you lend me your hand to sharing this line on your channel? Thank you in advance! 🤍 ]

Warmly greetings to the readers who are stepping on my words! As you can see presently that Heavenly Bloushie has opened for the first time! Therefore, the first batch will open on April 1st at 15.00 WIB!

Then what do we sell? We provide several items such as icons (include themed and shaped), drawing icons and shapes.

To raise your order, you can fill out the form and send it to @heavenlyblou ! Though, don't forget to read the TnC that we have provided! Have a good day and happy shopping, pleasant beings!

Репост из: YummyLand : Soon
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[ Untuk para mutualan BA dan teman teman yang melihat ini boleh kah untuk menyebarkan pesan ini ke CH kalian? terimakasih sebelum nya itu akan sangat membantu kami ♡ ]

Hai, pada hari ini 𝐘ummy 𝐋and akan resmi dibuka pada jam 19.00 untuk batch yang ke 4. Jangan sampai ketinggalan oke? Kalian bisa lihat katalog kami dari sini, kami menyediakan Themed Icons dan Drawing Icons. Jangan lupa untuk di cek TNC kami juga sebelum membeli (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ .

salam manis, vancoula

jangan lupa mampir ke thejazzes!

halo, khusus awal bulan ini, usn kita turun harga jadi 5k semua ya, jangan lupa cek @thejazzesusn

Open yaa, jangan lupa lengkapin format sama baca tnc!

Репост из: Nami Writing, Open.
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[ Dear my BA mutuals or everyone who see this, kindly help me forward this message to your channel, big thanks from me ♡ ]

Finally, Nami Writing open for the first time! I'm here to help you do your school task 🤩 How about come to my store and check some of the result? Come on, i'll wait for it. Can't wait to see you in @NaruemiBot, thanks ᵕ̈



Репост из: sailor dè lune ⋆ SOON
[For all of my BA mutuals or everyone who happens see this post, could you please kindly share this to your channel, friends or everyone who may need our products, that mean a lot to us

Open open hahay @thejazzesbot


kiw, nokos masih ada nih, ayo serbu sebelum habis tak bersisa

jangan lupa cek @thejazzesusn ya dejes

Kecuali kalau ordal aka adminnya gabut nawarin orang wtb subuh subuh, bs lh gaskeun. 😉

Halo, Dejes! Dikarenakan ada banyak hal yang harus dilakukan admin The Jazzes di real life, jadi mulai besok sampai 2 minggu kedepan The Jazzes memiliki jam operasional, yaitu mulai jam 12.00 WIB - 23.00 WIB. Terima kasih.

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