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The Union of the Russian People (Сою‌з ру‌сского наро‌да) was a massive Black hundred monarchist organization that operated in the Russian Empire from 1905 to 1917.

The Union of the Russian People's program and activities were based on monarchist, nationalist and ideas critical towards Jews, as well as an advocate of Orthodoxy in Russia. The organization opposed the revolution and parliamentarism, supported the unity and indivisibility of Russia, as well as the unity of the authorities with the people in the form of an advisory body.

The ideal of the Union was the image of pre-Petrine Russia, in particular the monarchy of the XVII century. The Union recognized the real Russian classes as the nobility, peasantry, and merchants. They were opposed by the cosmopolitan intelligentsia. The Union criticized the government's course, believing that international loans taken by the government were ruining the Russian people.

Alexander Ivanovich Dubrovin (born in 1855, Kungur, Perm province, Russian Empire — died in 1921, Moscow) — Russian public figure, politician, supporter of the Black Hundred movement; full member of the Russian Assembly, one of the founders and leaders of the Union of the Russian People.

"Today's Little Russians are descended from the native population, they preserved the ancient faith of their ancestors, and before the separation of Little Russia from Russia, they lived together with the Russians — a co-religious and fraternal nation. The Little Russians are, so to speak, a people of the most ancient times, indulging in dreams of the past and denying the present along with current progress. At the same time, the lands they inhabit, which are well located in the south, have undoubtedly preserved untold riches that will lead the Little Russians to prosperity in the future. The Little Russians remained free from external influences and preserved the purity of the nation."

- Gustav-Theodor Pauli (known in Russia as Fyodor Khristianovich), Russian ethnographer


"Description ethnographique des Peuples de la Russie" ("Ethnographic description of the peoples of Russia")

Появление представлений о триединстве русского народа в Российском государстве связывается с присоединением территорий Гетманщины во второй половине XVII века. Уже в 1655 году Алексей начал именоваться «самодержцем всея Великой, Малой и Белой России». В составленном некоторое время спустя Киевском синопсисе, авторство которого приписывают архимандриту Киево-Печерской лавры, были изложены тезисы о исконном единстве «славенороссийского народа», называемого также «православнороссийским»

The emergence of ideas about the trinity of the Russian people in the Russian state is associated with the annexation of the territories of the Hetmanate in the second half of the XVII century. Already in 1655, Alexey I began to be called "the autocrat of all Great, Small and White Russia." In the Kiev Synopsis compiled some time later, the authorship of which is attributed to Archimandrite Innokenty Gizel of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, theses on primordial unity were set out "Slavic Russian people", also called "Orthodox Russian"

Концепция триединого русского народа в отражении результатов Всероссийской переписи 1897 года. Представлены «русские вообще» и три их составные части: великороссы, малороссы, белорусы 🇷🇺

The concept of the triune Russian people in the reflection of the results of the All-Russian Census of 1897. The article presents "Russians in general" and their three components: Great Russians, Little Russians, and Belarusians 🇬🇧

This original German map titled Europäisches Russland (European Russia) published around 1890's by Meyers Konversations-Lexikon uses the terms Klein-Russland and Gross-Russland which literally means Little Russia and Great Russia, respectively.

В начале апреля 1916 года император Николай II поручил создать Химический комитет ГАУ и сформировать пожарно-химический Учебный 3-х ротный батальон (674 человека). А в конце месяца Император участвовал в испытаниях огнемета Тилли-Госкина. Этот факт отмечен в его «Дневнике» [Дневники императора Николая II, Москва, 1991, с. 584]. 🇷🇺

In early April 1916, Emperor Nicholas II authorized the establishment of the Chemical Committee of the State Agrarian University and the formation of a fire-chemical Training 3-company battalion (674 people). And at the end of the month, the Emperor participated in the tests of the Tilly-Goskin flamethrower. This fact is noted in his Diary [Diaries of Emperor Nicholas II, Moscow, 1991, p. 584]. 🇬🇧

Государь на Западном фронте (декабрь 1915 г.) 🇷🇺

The Sovereign on the Western Front (December 1915) 🇬🇧

Государь посещает раненых (26 января 1915 г.) 🇷🇺

The Sovereign visits the wounded (26th of January 1915) 🇬🇧

"An infinitely difficult task faced the Russian people — the task of designing and organizing their vast land. The vastness of the Russian land, the absence of borders and limits were expressed in the structure of the Russian soul.

The landscape of the Russian soul corresponds to the landscape of the Russian land: the same boundlessness, formlessness, aspiration to infinity, breadth."

- Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Dostoevsky's prophetic words were written in the writer's diary in the autumn of 1877 – when the war for the liberation of Bulgaria by Russian troops from the Turkish yoke was in full swing:

"It will be especially pleasant for the liberated Slavs... to trumpet to the whole world that they are educated tribes capable of the highest human culture, while Russia is a barbaric country, a gloomy northern colossus, not even of pure Slavic blood, a persecutor and hater of European civilization…

They will certainly begin by ... declaring to themselves and convincing themselves that they do not owe the slightest gratitude to Russia; on the contrary, that they were saved from Russia's love of power at the conclusion of peace by the intervention of the European concert. And if Europe had not intervened, Russia would have swallowed them up immediately, “meaning the expansion of borders and the foundation of the great All-Slavic empire to enslave the Slavs to the greedy, cunning and barbaric Great Russian tribe.”

Perhaps for a whole century, or even more, they will constantly tremble for their freedom and fear the ambition of Russia for power; they will curry favor with the European states, slander Russia, gossip about her and intrigue against her."

Elder John Krestyankin with President Vladimir Putin

Father John Krestyankin spoke about the future of Russia and the world. One of his words - that America will die because of flooding-will go under water. In addition, the elder predicted that future US presidents will become more and more senior in age.

He also prophesied about China's prosperity and its friendship with Russia. About our country, Father John said that the "great country" will rise up and prosper, despite the obstacles from the outside.

The most mysterious prediction of the elder is about the coming world epidemic. Perhaps Father John was likely talking about the well-known coronavirus epidemic, which began not so long ago. The elder said not to look for those responsible for the outbreak of the epidemic, but to understand it in a Christian way: to pray and be faithful to God.

Industrialization in Russia began in the 1890s, largely due to the energy of Count Witte, a follower of the great German economist Friedrich List, a theorist of productive forces (it was from him that Marx stole the term) and protectionism. An active associate of Witte was D. I. Mendeleev, not only a chemist, but also an organizer of our oil industry, an outstanding economist who continued List's protectionist ideas.

With the full support of the sovereigns Alexander III and Nicholas II, Witte achieved an impressive industrial leap, although many reproached him for overexerting the forces of peasant Russia, which was reflected in the riots of 1905-1906, which coincided with a cyclical economic crisis in the world system.

Here is what Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin wrote in his "Note on Ancient and New Russia" addressed to Tsar Alexander I:

"Peter did not want to delve into the truth that the spirit of the people constitutes the moral power of states, like the physical, necessary for their firmness. This spirit and faith saved Russia during the time of the impostors; it is nothing but attachment to our special, nothing but respect for our national dignity. Rooting out ancient skills, making them ridiculous, praising and introducing foreign ones, the sovereign of Russia humiliated Russians in their own heart. Does self-contempt dispose a person and a citizen to great deeds?

It must be agreed that we, with the acquisition of human virtues, have lost civil ones. Does the name of the Russian have for us now the mysterious power that it had before? And very naturally: our grandfathers, already in the reign of Michael and his son, appropriating to themselves many benefits of foreign customs, still remained in those thoughts that a faithful Russian is the most perfect citizen in the world, and Holy Russia is the first state. Let them call it a delusion; but how it favored the love of the Fatherland and the moral power of it! Now, having been in the school of foreigners for more than a hundred years, can we boast of our civic dignity without boldness? Once we called all other Europeans infidels, now we call them brothers; I ask: who would it be easier to conquer Russia - infidels or brothers?".

The Upper Classes of society-industrial and financial, political, partly military and administrative, the hierarchs of the church and the intelligentsia - were then almost entirely liberal, hated the tsarist regime, and acted as the main detachment of the February Revolution. Many Fevralist revolutionaries were members of Masonic lodges, which were hierarchically subordinate to the "older brothers" in the West. Masonic lodges and clubs became a force that coordinated the interests and actions of various detachments and groups of the Russian elite. They all hated the autocracy, which did not give them full power. Therefore, no one defended Nicholas II. Individual generals and officers who were ready to defend the throne were isolated, did not have organizational and material capabilities.

Myth of the Bolshevik Destroying Old Russia

It was not the Bolshevik commissars and Red Guards who killed "Old Russia"; they came later, when the road was cleared for them. Nicholas II was overthrown by the Russian elite — - generals and deputies, grand dukes and the highest hierarchs of the church, masons of the high steppes of initiation and bankers, aristocrats and industrialists, merchants and officials. They can be called Febrarist revolutionaries, Western Freemasons. They wanted to gain full power and lead Russia along the Western path of development, but the Russian autocracy prevented them.

Emperor Alexander III with his wife Maria Feodorovna 1892

Alexander III on the hunt. Spala (Kingdom of Poland). Late 1880s-early 1890s. Photographer K. Bech. RGAKFD. Al. 958. Ch. 19.

43% of Russian officers fought against the Soviets, but 30% joined the Red Army. The rest were neutral.

Back in 1929, the nationalist and ideologue of the white movement, Vladimir Shulgin, wrote::

"Almost half of the General Staff officers alone remained with the Bolsheviks. And how many ordinary officers there were, no one knows, but a lot."

639 officers and generals of the General Staff served in the Red Army, which was equal to 46% of their total number.

The October Revolution of 1917 was perceived differently by officers. Many did not accept the Bolsheviks, and they became the backbone of the white movement, and some joined the national armies formed on the territory of the newly independent outskirts of the Russian Empire. But there were also those who not only supported the revolution, but also joined the Red Army. The most prominent representatives are tsarist Generals: Brusilov, Snesarev, Bonch-Bruevich, Rear Admiral Altfather and many others.

"No, we are doing the right thing by punishing nationalists of all stripes and colors so severely. They are the best helpers of our enemies and the worst enemies of their own peoples. After all, the cherished dream of nationalists is to split the Soviet Union into separate "national" states, and then it will become easy prey for enemies.
The majority of the peoples inhabiting the Soviet Union will be physically exterminated, while the remaining part will turn into dumb and pathetic slaves of the conquerors.

It is not by chance that the despicable traitors of the Ukrainian people-the leaders of Ukrainian nationalists, all these Melniki, Konovaltsy, Bandera-have already been assigned by German intelligence to incite hatred for Russians among Ukrainians who are the same Russians and to seek the separation of Ukraine from the Soviet Union. It's the same old song from the Roman Empire: divide and conquer.

The British were particularly successful in inciting national hatred and inciting one nation against another. Thanks to this tactic, by bribing the pathetic and corrupt leaders of various peoples, capitalist island England – the first factory in the world, negligibly small in size, managed to seize vast territories, enslave and rob many peoples of the world, create a “Great " British Empire in which, as the British boastfully declare, the sun never sets.

With us, this number will not pass while we are still alive. So it is in vain that Hitler's fools refer to the Soviet Union as a “house of cards”, which supposedly will collapse at the first serious test, count on the fragility of the friendship of the peoples inhabiting our country today, and hope to quarrel with each other. In the event of a German attack on the Soviet Union, the people of different nationalities inhabiting our country will defend it without sparing their lives, as their beloved Homeland.

However, the nationalists should not be underestimated. If they are allowed to act with impunity, they will bring a lot of trouble. That is why they must be kept in an iron rein, not allowed to undermine the unity of the Soviet Union."

Source: I. V. Stalin-Complete Works. Volume 15, "Conversation with A. S. Yakovlev on March 26, 1941", p. 17

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