The Course of Empire (Uncensored)

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Репост из: HapaPerspective
Imagine being forced to fight in a war you don’t support and your taxes paying for people like you to fight in that war, because your representatives work for a foreign nation and don’t care about your nation at all, and treat foreigners as first class citizens over your own countrymen.

You think you can vote your way out of that bullshit?

They can’t get men to voluntarily sign up, so they press gang you into the military; like the British used to do, which upset early Americans a great deal. How things have changed. Unless there is a major war the US is engaged in now, why would they need to do this or are they expecting to get involved in one (or more) soon?

Репост из: I,Hypocrite

Репост из: I,Hypocrite

It doesn’t seem he was Jewish by heritage but became Jewish and then did these horrific things. Bizarre and disgusting.

Репост из: ひまわりの会 (Sunflower Society)
"So many survivors and victims of intimate partner violence have expressed that it often starts with their partner controlling their finances, controlling their modes of transportation, tracking their movements, things like controlling what they can wear or what they can eat,"

So not giving bitches money, your car or whatever they want to eat is going to be outlawed. This is pretty insane, even for Canada

Репост из: Leo’s memes and some other stuff
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Репост из: Sexual Subversion - LGBT Agenda
Did you know that statue at the entrance of the BBC building was designed by a pedophile who raped his own daughters.
The statue itself shows a nude child being touched be a grown man.
Is it any wonder why so many BBC presenters and staff end up being outed as pedophiles.

Репост из: Bellerophon's Autism Shanty
There’s a town in Louisiana literally named Gibsland lol


Репост из: Blackpilled
The right thing to do right now while you enjoy the freedoms that still remain is to lend a hand to one of ours who is being deprived all of his. Sign the petition in support of Sam Melia who is a political prisoner in Britain and being denied contact with his 2 small children by anti-white enemies of our people:

Репост из: Joel Davis
"It is a quite unpardonable mistake to accept the conclusions of a Jewish psychology as generally valid.

Nobody would dream of taking Chinese or Indian psychology as binding upon ourselves ... No doubt, on an earlier and deeper level of psychic development, where it is still impossible to distinguish between an Aryan, Semitic, Hamitic or Mongolian mentality, all human races have a common collective psyche.

But with the beginning of racial differentiation essential differences are developed in the collective psyche as well. For this reason we cannot transplant the spirit of a foreign race in globo into our own mentality without sensible injury to the latter."

~ Carl Jung

Репост из: Michael De La Broc
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When we win, this is exactly how fast, and the method through which the Ausländers will be raus'd!

Репост из: SA News and information
Today, on the 12th of June 1964, the infamous Rivonia trial sentence was delivered that saw numerous ANC politicians being charged for acts of terrorism against the Apartheid state. They were sentenced to life imprisonment instead of being sentenced to death as was the just punishment for their crimes. Today many people would also point out that there were white people among these ANC revolutionaries, but the individuals they refer to were in fact from a very different tribe...

Репост из: Alt Skull's Charnel House
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Woman cop can't even handle a 70 year old grandma lmao.


Репост из: HapaPerspective
Backed by science: men that don't like guns are more likely to have a smaller penis. Reality is yet again the total opposite of what the left asserts: we've all heard leftists claim that gun ownership is a form of compensation.

In this study, we formally examine the association between penis size dissatisfaction and gun ownership in America. The primary hypothesis, derived from the psychosexual theory of gun ownership, asserts that men who are more dissatisfied with the size of their penises will be more likely to personally own guns

Our analyses show that men who are less dissatisfied with the size of their penises are more likely to own guns than other men. These findings are important because they contribute to an evidence-based understanding of gun ownership.

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