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Content from the Third Reich (1933 - 1945)

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The Katyn Forest Massacre

The Katyn Forest Massacre, was the mass murder of at least 21,587 ethnic Polish Officers, dignitaries, intellectuals and leaders, by jewish Soviet Communists and the NKVD. German soldiers were informed about the mass killings, and searched the locations of purported corpses. German officials brought in investigators from "neutral nations" and the International Rescue Committee (IRC), to ascertain who the victims were and who had carried out the massacre.

Katyn documents have been available since 1992, but took nearly 20 years for the public to be given access. Stalin’s signature, on the collective death warrant, quells decades of debate on the massacre and proves the chilling decision making process where Stalin and his jewish thugs approved the execution of 21,587 unarmed Poles.

It is an established fact, that the massacre was done by Bolsheviks, but 7 innocent German men, were the ones charged for this crime against humanity, and hanged.

Stalin Burned 100s of 1000s of Russian Peasants' Homes, But Everyone Blames Germany - Another WW2 Anti-German Slander Goes Up in Smoke

Russians frequently cite this alleged war crime as Exhibit A of German brutality during the war. The peasants were subsistence farmers, barely scratching out a living. Burning their homes and barns almost ensured that they would perish over the harsh winter. Now it turns out Stalin's Jewish henchmen did it.

It's a very Jewish trick - do something incomprehensibly evil, and then blame your enemy for it. The NKVD at the time was dominated by Jewish revolutionaries, and they hated these deeply Christian, salt of the earth peasants, and were happy to destroy them.

- Imfomation

Massacre in katyn forest

The government of National Socialist Germany announced the discovery of mass graves in the Katyn Forest in April 1943. Stalin severed diplomatic relations with the London-based Polish government-in-exile when it asked for an investigation by the International Committee of the Red Cross. After the Vistula–Oder offensive where the mass graves fell into Soviet control, the Soviet Union claimed the National Socialists had killed the victims, and it continued to deny responsibility for the massacres until 1990, when it officially acknowledged and condemned the killings by the NKVD, as well as the subsequent cover-up by the Soviet government.

An investigation conducted by the office of the prosecutors general of the Soviet Union (1990–1991) and the Russian Federation (1991–2004) confirmed Soviet responsibility for the massacres, but refused to classify this action as a war crime or as an act of mass murder.

"You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians.

They hated Russians. They hated Christians.

Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the 'Russian Revolution.'

It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history.

It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time.

The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.

We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks. But: without Jews there would have been no Bolshevism.

For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957."

Click the links below 👇

Stalins order 0428

The Katyn Forest Massacre

Репост из: The Rothschild banking Family
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Here lie the accounts of Adolf Hitler's pleas to the world during the largest bloodshed in mankind's history, World War 2. Adolf Hitler's most poignant orations which had been buried for almost a century are now available for the world to hear. Visit the voices of the past to bear witness their side of history. The unaltered Adolf Hitler, who tried incessantly to avoid the senseless war and its continuation. Star contrast to what the Western Allies and their pet Communist regime in the East had in plans for Europe and the rest of the world. They said Adolf Hitler was a warmonger who wanted to rule the world and subjugate all non-Germanic people. They lied.


Репост из: Hidden Truth
Adolf Hitler Content (2/2)

93. Ernst Zündel Speaks on Adolf Hitler’s 100th Birthday
94. Hitler’s 100th Birthday Celebration in Madrid, Spain
95. Adolf Hitler’s Birthday Parades
96. An American Learns the Truth About Adolf Hitler
97. Adolf Hitler: The Building of a Nation
98. Adolf Hitler - My Pilgrimage
99. Ray Higgins on Adolf Hitler
100. Hitler’s Speech to the World
101. Adolf Hitler - "He Was Right"
102. Hitler "We Will Have Won"
103. Hitler's Return to Berlin
104. Adolf Hitler - If the World Were Full of Devils
105. Ken O'Keef - Why Did Hitler Come to Power?
106. Adolf Hitler - Tough Times
107. Adolf Hitler - Me (2018)
108. Adolf Hitler Speech on the British, French and American 'Democracies'
109. From Rome to Berlin
110. What Hitler Said About The Western Campaign
111. What Hitler Said About the Spanish Civil War
112. German Youth 1938
113. The Unifier
114. Adolf Hitler - The International Clique
115. Adolf Hitler Speech Collection
116. Adolf Hitler on Peace and Disarmament 1935
117. Adolf Hitler Puts Franklin Roosevelt in His Place
118. Adolf Hitler’s Peace Proposal to France and Britain
119. Hitler’s Victory a Final Appeal for Peace and Sanity
120. Adolf Hitlers Rede im Siemens-Dynamo-Werk in Berlin
121. Adolf Hitler - Krupp Factory, Essen
122. Adolf Hitler Responds to Allegations of Religious Persecutions
123. The Buildings of Adolf Hitler
124. Hermann Göring and Adolf Hitler (1936)
125. Yesterday and Today (1938)
126. Germania: History of the Third Reich - Episode 3: Adolf Hitler
127. Adolf Hitler - The Last Leader in a World Full of Puppets
128. Adolf Hitler and the German People
129. Adolf Hitler: Thank You
130. Adolf Hitler - 1000 Year Reich
131. Third Reich - KPD, Der Spiesser, und Das Gold
132. Adolf Hitler - Death to Party Politics
133. Adolf Hitler - The Struggle for Freedom
134. Reading Hitler’s Body Language
135. Herbert Döhring Interview - 8 Years With Hitler
136. Sternführer (2017)
137. Adolf Hitler: Our Movement Survived
138. Evil Won World War II
139. The World Would Be a Better Place if Hitler Won World War II
140. Hitler Kommt (1988)
141. Hitler, Churchill und Die Kriegsschuldfrage
142. Adolf Hitler on British Hypocrisy and Lies
143. Adolf Hitler - El deseo de un pueblo
144. Sklavenmenschheit
145. Adolf Hitler - The Sacred Pillar of National Socialism
146. Adolf Hitler - What Does Collapse Mean?
147. Adolf Hitler - A Different World
148. Adolf Hitler - What Is Europe? V2
149. Adolf Hitler - No puede ser que mi pueblo perezca
150. Adolf Hitler - Our ideal
151. Adolf Hitler’s Speech at the NSDAP Congress (1938)
152. Adolf Hitler - An Ancient Culture
153. Adolf Hitler - There Is a Lord God
154. Adolf Hitler - Art Compels Truthfulness
155. Adolf Hitler - Why We Fight
156. Adolf Hitler - The Jew Wanted This War
157. Adolf Hitler - Pass Judgment on Me
158. Der Wolff Video Collection
159. Führung
160. Adolf Hitler - The German People Stands Behind Me
161. Adolf Hitler - The Germany They Hate
162. Nobody Has Done More for Peace Than Adolf Hitler
163. Adolf Hitler’s Appeal for Peace (1939)
164. The Fight Against All Odds
165. Adolf Hitler - The Game Is Over Jew
166. Magister Populi Collection
167. Mussolini in Deutschland (1937)
168. Adolf Hitler Visits Benito Mussolini (1938)
169. Adolf Hitler’s Campaign Speech in Eberswalde
170. Hitler’s Rede an die SS-Männer im Berlin Sportpalast
171. Hitler’s Regierungserklaerung am 17. Mai 1933
172. Der Führer spricht im Berlin Sportpalast (1933)
173. Wort und Tat (1938)
174. Adolf Hitler - Eröffnung des Winterhilfswerks (1936)
175. Der Führer eröffnet das Winterhilfswerk (1936)
176. Adolf Hitler’s New Year's Speech
177. Adolf Hitler - Long Live Our Reich
178. Adolf Hitler - Germany's Disarmament
179. Adolf Hitler - Kriegswinterhilfswerk
180. Adolf Hitler - The Smear Campaign
181. Adolf Hitler - January 30th, 1940 SportPalast Speech

Репост из: Hidden Truth
Adolf Hitler Content (1/2)

1. Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
2. Adolf Hitler: A Last Appeal To Reason
3. A Last Appeal to Reason [Chapters 1-6]
4. Hitler's War? What the Historians Neglect to Mention
5. Adolf Hitler’s First Proclamation as Führer
6. Adolf Hitler: Artist, Architect and Designer
7. Hitler's Shadow - In the Service of the Führer
8. The Ultimate Red Pill
9. What if Hitler Won World War II?
10. Welthauptstadt Germania: How Hitler Wanted to Rebuild Berlin
11. Ken O'Keefe: The Truth About Adolf Hitler
12. Adolf Hitler Uncensored
13. Léon Degrelle: Hitler's Blitzkrieg
14. Adolf Hitler’s Struggle for Peace
15. Adolf Hitler - Sacrifice
16. Adolf Hitler: This Is National Socialism
17. Europa: The Last Battle [Part 3]
18. People Who Knew Hitler Tell What He Was Like
19. Léon Degrelle: The Enigma of Hitler - What Was Hitler Like?
20. Hitler’s Economic Reform
21. The Hitler We Loved and Why
22. Living in Hitler’s Germany - A Letter From Hans Schmidt
23. Adolf Hitler: You Said I Was A Dreamer
24. What Hitler Said About War
25. Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Collection of Speeches [Volume 1]
26. Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Collection of Speeches [Volume 2]
27. Adolf Hitler on Cultural Marxism
28. Adolf Hitler Warned Humanity But We Didn’t Listen!
29. Adolf Hitler: The World Enemy
30. Adolf Hitler Explains Why They Attacked Stalingrad
31. Adolf Hitler’s Speech on Operation Barbarossa
32. Adolf Hitler's Speech About the Eastern Front 1943
33. Why Hitler Struck Against the Soviet Union
34. Adolf Hitler - Rare Speeches
35. Hitler: The Unknown Soldier
36. Mark Weber: Hitler's Place In History
37. On Hitler's Worldview and the War Against International Marxism
38. Hitler on the Role of Women
39. Ernst Zündel on Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess
40. This Is National Socialism
41. Adolf Hitler - 'The Monster' That He Was...NOT!
42. Why Hitler Wasn't Evil
43. Adolf Hitler: The Truth Is With Us
44. Adolf Hitler Tribute
45. Adolf Hitler Marries Eva Braun
46. Letters to Hitler
47. Adolf Hitler: The War in the Air
48. Adolf Hitler on Churchill’s Terror Bombing Campaign
49. Churchill vs Hitler
50. Adolf Hitler’s Response to Churchill’s Push for War
51. Hitler Vs Jewry
52. Tribute to Adolf Hitler’s Paintings
53. Adolf Hitler: Peace Will One Day Come
54. Adolf Hitler: The Same Old Warmongers
55. What Adolf Hitler Said About the Outbreak of World War II
56. Adolf Hitler: The War for Mankind’s Future
57. Hitler’s Great Struggle: The Story of World War II in His Own Words
58. Adolf Hitler: No Retreat and No Surrender
59. Adolf Hitlers Final Speech
60. Adolf Hitler: May Posterity Remember Our Sacrifice
61. Adolf Hitler: The National Socialist Sacrifice
62. Adolf Hitler Speaks to the German Youth
63. Adolf Hitler's and Joseph Goebbels Speech to the Youth
64. Preparing for the Coming Man
65. Adolf Hitler: Children of the Reich
66. Adolf Hitler: The Economy Must Work for the People
67. Adolf Hitler: Why They Envy Germany
68. Adolf Hitler: To Be or Not to Be
69. Adolf Hitler on Christianity
70. What Hitler Said About the Persecution of Christians
71. Adolf Hitler: God Created Our People
72. Third Reich Providence
73. Adolf Hitler - Racial Unity
74. Adolf Hitler - The Pan European Army
75. The Man Who Fought the Bank
76. Hitler vs. Rothschild
77. Adolf Hitler - What Is Europe?
78. The Flood Comes
79. Hitler Exposes the Treaty of Versallies
80. What Hitler Said About the Danzig-Bromberg Massacres
81. Adolf Hitler Speaks About the War With Poland
82. Adolf Hitler at Danzig
83. Adolf Hitler - Why Germany Invaded Poland
84. Adolf Hitler in Poland During the 1939 Campaign
85. Adolf Hitler Explains America's Proxy War Against Germany
86. Adolf Hitler: The American Collusion With Communism
87. Adolf Hitler’s War Against Freemasonry
88. Hitler on Freemasonry and Jews
89. Adolf Hitler's 133rd Birthday Tribute
90. Hitler’s Birthday Cake (HD Color)
91. Adolf Hitler’s 50th Birthday Celebration
92. Ernst Zündel Presents a German Film for Adolf Hitler’s Birthday

Репост из: The German Newsreel
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German Newsreel 459 - June 21, 1939

Репост из: Alternative History2039
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Pastor Ray Higgins on Adolf Hitler. History is rewritten by the winners. This is the history they won’t teach you in the history books. ✨

Репост из: Alternative History2039
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ReichFuhrer Heinrich Himmler rare Speech (date unknown).

Репост из: Alternative History2039
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The Germans searched the planet for mystical artifacts and otherworldly technology. They had the Sphere of Destiny, Holy Grail and The Ark of the Covenant - the 'Ark of God' - is the most fascinating mystical object ever made. The Spear of Destiny that the Roman struck Jesus with! Hitler was known to have held it and gained unbelievable power. 🗡The fake Jews had taken it from the Romans, Hitler took it from the fake Jews when he sent out his SS Squad that went hunting for them, and than he rose to power with his entire country backing him up. 🔮He gained power and vision from the Sphere!! In the end of WW2 General George Patton stumble upon the sphere and brought it back to America. Later he sent it to France, but speculations of it being fake cause America doesn’t want anyone having the real sphere.

Репост из: Traditional Europe
"𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘵𝘳𝘺. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘺, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘱𝘴𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘩 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯."

— 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐆𝐨𝐞𝐛𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐬

Репост из: Alternative History2039
Mass in the 3rd Reich

Репост из: Rare Hitler Pictures©️
Hitler on the Witness Stand at the Reichsgericht in Leipzig

(September 25, 1930)

Army lieutenants Hans Ludin (far left), Richard Scheringer, and Hans Friedrich Wendt were arrested and tried for treason for establishing contacts with the NSDAP leadership and for advocating the formation of NS cells within the Reichswehr. The trial created a public sensation. Called as a witness for the defense, Adolf Hitler used the trial as a public relations opportunity to assert that the NSDAP had remained within the bounds of legality and that it respected the independent role of the armed forces. He also stated that “heads would roll” when the National Socialists came to power and that those responsible for twelve years of bad government would have to account for their actions.

Colorization: @rarehitty team

Репост из: Rare Hitler Pictures©️
Adolf Hitler as a witness in the so-called Edenpalast trial, May 1931.

The photographer Leo Rosenthal wrote about this particular photo: "I was sitting in the witness section in the second row; I hid the camera behind the back of the person sitting in front of me and took the picture sideways. Walter Stennes is sitting to Hitler's left.”

Colorization: @rarehitty

Репост из: Rare Hitler Pictures©️
A smiling Adolf Hitler leaves the Leipzig Reichsgericht where he testified in the trial (23 September – 4 October 1930) of Reichswehr officers Ludin, Scheringer, and Wendt.

Colorization: @rarehitty

Репост из: Rare Hitler Pictures©️
Adolf Hitler at the trial of Scheringer, Wendt and Ludin in 1930.

Colorization: @rarehitty

Репост из: Rare Hitler Pictures©️
Official 1935 NSDAP color image of Adolf Hitler during his testimony in the 1930 Ulm Reichswehr trial.


The Thule Society is a peaceful organization and our name evokes images of people who meditate on the spiritual qualities of Adolf Hitler and discuss inspiring themes. The Thule Society’s name is very powerful to people who know anything about Adolf Hitler and National Socialism because The Thule Society was the official name given to a spiritual origination within Hitler’s political party.

On account of our status as a contemplative society, we criticize Jews from a religious perspective. Our status as a religious organization also gives us the ability to genuinely focus on spreading our message of peace and spirituality. Our focus on spiritual matters provides us with a way to resist Jewish supremacy through meditation, spiritual practice, and education. The Thule Society channels the higher realms because Jews are using practices derived from these same realms to attack and control everyone else. The Thule Society is an important organization on a world level because we enlist capable people who are able to channel higher powers and fight the Jews spiritually.


franz-bardon-practice-of-magical-evocation (1) - Copy.pdf
Franz Bardon The Practice of Magical Evocation PDF

The Practice of Magical Evocation is Franz Bardon's second volume of The Holy Mysteries. In magical terms, the book is a practical guide to the proper evocation of and communication with divine entities existing in the atmospheric zones surrounding planets, stars, and moon as well as in the earth itself.

It is a modern study of direct contact with the universal teachers – the other major works in the field are products of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation periods. Beyond that it offers a glimpse into a complete magical universe.

Bardon outlines a totally new and original hierarchy of magic, from the spirits of the four elements to those of the various planets, and even to each degree of the Zodiac. Included with the names and descriptions of the various entities are a collection of entirely unknown magical sigils, as well as an account of ancient Kabbalistic astrology.

Bardon's second work, dealing with the evocation of spirits, outlined first the symbolic meaning of the traditional ritual tools and temple designs, then goes on to describe a method of evoking spirits. In essence, the magician creates an environment hospitable to the entity in the temple or other medium of contact.

They then enter an altered state of consciousness through natural meditation, to deep fullness of ecstasy without substances or trance, projecting their consciousness into the sphere of the entity in question, and call it back.

Bardon emphasized two points about doing this sort of thing: first, that one must complete the necessary prerequisites of the training program or no success was possible; secondly, that the magician must call the spirit back under their "divine authority", not as a peer, otherwise they are liable to be manipulated by the entity.

Franz Bardon Initiation Into Hermetics PDF

provides step-by-step instruction in the form of practical exercises. These exercises are aimed at developing body, soul and spirit. The result of the practical exercises is the development of occult abilities which can be of benefit to the student, in as far as changing his existence for the better.

Bardon's training system is comprehensive. Initiation into Hermetics is divided into 10 practical steps. The program further subdivides each step into three areas – Non-being spirit or Mind (Spiritual abstract universal mental body; see Spiritual bodies: Theosophical society, Soul as mental body into the astral, psychic and emotional body; the astral body and physical body – with the intent of developing all areas of the self simultaneously and in a balanced way. This is to ensure that the student maintain a balance of the three "bodies", which accelerates progress in the long run and minimizes injury to oneself in the process of growth.

Also, there occurs a purification of the personality, where the magician should become incapable of wishing harm to his fellow man. This is an important point since, as the power of the magician increases, so his ability to do harm – even unintentionally, increases.

In summary—

1. Mental exercises of the Spirit (or abstract mental being) begin with simply observing the mind and progress from there, with each subsequent exercise building on the previous.

2. Astral exercises of the Soul focus on systematically cataloging the positive and negative aspects of the self and, later, transforming and purifying the negative aspects into positives.

3. Physical exercises of the body stress physical health and development as well as the integration and use of the physical body and physical environment.

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