No agreement or law should be respected a moment longer than it can be enforced; for while "woe to the vanquished" is the motto of the victor, "vengeance on the victor," is the only thought of the vanquished. And never for a moment does this evangelist of victory question the right of the vanquished to all the vengeance they can take. Endlessly and mercilessly does this continue, through either the jeweled sword of the king, or the poisoned dagger of the slave.
There will be no middle ground, no mountain cleft for thee to hide in from the storm, for the savage nature of Man, is a truth, an all-devouring conflagration of secondary cyclonic rage. This Truth shall continue, anew and renewed, until the end of days.
There will be no middle ground, no mountain cleft for thee to hide in from the storm, for the savage nature of Man, is a truth, an all-devouring conflagration of secondary cyclonic rage. This Truth shall continue, anew and renewed, until the end of days.