Toko Awug.

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Terkadang, sesuatu yang manis harus kita kenang. Kamu tau, awug itu makanan paling enak, paling aku suka. Makanya aku buat store dengan nama awug biar perjalanan store ini semanis awug.

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yang tau cara supaya engga lemot boleh chat akuuu juseyo ^_^


udah ganti apn pleaseee


MEMperbsrui terus


aku baca lewat notif aja tapi pas dibuka loadf

okeh, plis muttt tolong tunggu aku subs ch kalian, aku ngetik ini aja bbc diatas aku ini loadinggg

nanti aku diving ya sebentar


ternyata tele tuh habisin banyak kuota 😢😢 biar ga boros gmn yaaa

Репост из: damerise, soon!
[ for all of my mutuals, can you help me forwarding this channel? thanks a heap my dear!

Help forward ya 😋😋😋


Mutualan yuk sama @TokoAwug? Lagi cari mutual nih, biar banyak yang beli. Udah sih gitu aja, cuma ngajakin mutualan terus minta hfw ke moots hehe. Makasih udah baca, langsung ke @TokoAwugbot ya buat ngajak mutualan

Buat moots yang liat boleh tolong hfw? Terimakasih banyak. Feedback ke bot.
                 With love, N.

Репост из: PURIRIN ૮⍝• ᴥ •⍝ა🐾
₊˚ ☁️🌟 ◛ Puyintuals


Репост из: Ꮺ ָ࣪ ۰ Southren, Soon.
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< for all of my bussines or mutuals partner, may i ask you to spread this love message to your bussines—channel? thankyou very much. >

greetings—howdy consistenly and my dearest pals. hello everyone, this is @southreen was modulate. appropriate directly, we're on a assignment for looking new mutuals. for all of you who seeing this love—message and enthusiasm to be our part of pals, you're so greeted and enchant influence to @southmootsbot so carefully. because we're only acceptive those who want's to mutuals using main account, we're gonna be the oustanding employment colleague in the world. and last—ditch effort, we're really thankyou for all of you who's edification this love—message with endeavor & and anyone that want to do some friendship between us with favorable and equitable.

Репост из: Sciamachy ; Soon.
{Attention for all my mutuals who sees this. Please help-fw this message to your own channel, thank u!}

Hi ladies and gentleman! @Machyiez is looking for a new friends. We accept all businesses and this is only for main accounts. My business is versatile. If you are admin upsubs or clone acc please DNI. And if you're interested in becoming my mutual, you can contact @Machyiezbot yaa. and for feedback, you can go sent your message to that bot too. Thanks!

kok aku agakj bingung sama minimal pricelist di dfrules ya, ada yang bisa bantu gak moots

Репост из: 𝐃itto : soon
𖤝  𝅄 ֹ ִ my beloved Moots, please forward this message to your business channel. 감사합니다!

pun-ten akang teteh 🙇🏻‍♀🌷, @diztto mengajak kalian untuk berteman lebih dekat alias mutualan sesama channel bisnis. seperti kata pepatah tak kenal maka tak sayang jadi kita kenalan dulu nanti kan bakal disayang 🫣❤️‍🔥, siapa saja boleh bermutualan dengan kami asalkan main akun dan rajin diving + sering jbjb yaa! jika anda 🫵🏻 yang melihat pesan ini berminat mutualan dengan kami silahkan hubungi bot ini [ ☎️ ; @dittofwbot ]. segitu aja kali yahh, hatur nuhun sadayana.

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