Towards Wewelsburg!

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It is a pernicious lie that the goal of WWII was German cultural hegemony throughout Europe/the world, at the expense of every other nation and its people (along with their languages and customs). This could not have been less true: the SS was fighting for a Europa of 100 flags but possessed of a single Will. The map seen here is a product of the Charlottenburg Declaration, and I have included the pertinent sections on this topic from the book of origin. Source: The Golden Thread by Miguel Serrano. The map is in French because it originally appeared in a book by St Loup.

Here are some photos of the iron gates that protected the entrance to the bunker of General Otto Lasch, which were recently taken by an acquaintance at the museum of Kalingrad (Königsberg).

The numerous runic inscriptions were intended to provide additional protection to the inhabitants. Given that Otto Lasch survived the war and lived until 1971, these carvings may have been time well spent, indeed.

“I think the view of history as a cyclical phenomenon in the Hindu and Greek way of thinking is the appropriate one. The Eternal Recurrence. We are now at the end of the Cycle, or Kaliyuga. It is like a harvest, the exact number of grains have matured and very few have done so. A new age will bring the sun again, in a New Earth, or in the soul of the actual Earth, and to prevent her from perishing with everything else...I think Spengler confused the cyclical ideas of the Hindus and Greeks, diminishing and transforming it into a mechanical and biological situation of growing and dying. He circumscribed this to the decadence of Western civilization, when really it belongs to the whole world and for the planet Earth as well. As for “push the falling,” it is really quite ridiculous to think in those terms, because it is not necessary at all. The “acceleration of time” will bring the end even before we think or could expect.” - Miguel Serrano on Nietzsche’s quote regarding the need to “push that which is falling.”

“From now on, we must return to the supreme myth of life, the myth of the sun, the myth of Thule. What will be reborn is not a memory of the past, but the faith of eternal Hyperborea. We will retrieve, in certainty and loyalty, the gestures of our ancestors. We will herald the joy of the return of the sun. We will light the fires of our hearths and build bonfires on our hills. While the destiny of our peoples is debased by a mercantile society and the religion of equality, we will reject the cult of wailing self-denial, reawakening the awareness our adventure and our unity.” – Jean Mabire, ‘Thulé: le soleil retrouvé des Hyperboréens’

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