Репост из: anjasgaramu
Happy Bornday Lee Jeno and Happy Bornday too, to all Lee Jeno rpers, Esp–Jendrik, Geez, Jean, Abiyyu, Sadewa Abyan, Arjeza, Hardi, Cairo, Elvern, Azlan, Hisyam, Sean, Julian, Radito, Zaidan, Jefar, Gabrian, Jemino, Jino, Albian, Jengga, Juno, Dirga, Abian, Faith, Elangga, Rashad, Aljendra, Jenandra, diwangsa, Tobias, stevan, Javerian, Jemino
May God gave you some blessings on your birthday. Hope you always happy everytime and everywhere, and can portray the character Lee Jeno better, thank you for maintaining Lee Jeno's good name.
– with love Anjas
May God gave you some blessings on your birthday. Hope you always happy everytime and everywhere, and can portray the character Lee Jeno better, thank you for maintaining Lee Jeno's good name.
– with love Anjas