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Репост из: The Europe News
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Репост из: Great Awakening
Absolute control in Australia because of a Fake-Pandemic, that's how the pharma-fascism goes!

Authorities in Australia wants people to download an app in order to track them by texting at random times to check their location. (The Atlantic)


Репост из: Elon Musk Info
South Australia is testing an app that combines facial recognition and geolocation. The state will text residents at random times, and thereafter they will have 15 minutes to take a picture of their face in the location where they are supposed to be. Should they fail, the local police department will be sent to follow up in person. Australia has made headlines in recent days over clashes in Melbourne and Sydney.


Репост из: The British News
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UK: London, Police and Pro choice of own body freedom protesters fight against pharma-nazi police outside HM Government 10 south colonnade, Canary Wharf.


Репост из: The Europe News
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When a parody becomes a realistic goal for the WEF.

Eat bugs, own nothing, be controlled, and be happy!!!!


Daily Reminder...


Репост из: Great Awakening
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NEW: Italian women rise against the corrupt bankster and Pharma-Fascist Mario Draghi who plans to sell his people Future to pharma-fascists!!! BRAVO!!! Female power against the new Covid Nazis!!!


Репост из: Elon Musk Info
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Elon Musk on mRNA, he's saying you can turn people into a butterfly with the right DNA sequence.


Репост из: Great Awakening Deutschland
SC Supreme Court says Columbia mask mandate violates the law

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - In a 5-0 decision the South Carolina Supreme Court has struck down the City of Columbia’s mask requirement for students and staff in all daycares, elementary, and middle schools.
On Tuesday, the State Supreme Court heard from South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson and lawyers representing the City of Columbia. Wilson’s team argued that the city’s requirement went against a temporary law written into the state budget, also known as a proviso.
The proviso reads, “No school district, or any of its schools, may use any funds appropriated or authorized pursuant to this act to require that its students and/or employees wear a facemask at any of its education facilities. This prohibition extends to the announcement or enforcement of any such policy.”

Oberster Gerichtshof der SC sagt, dass das Maskenmandat in Columbia gegen das Gesetz verstößt

🇩🇪 COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - In einer 5:0-Entscheidung hat der Oberste Gerichtshof von South Carolina die von der Stadt Columbia eingeführte Maskenpflicht für Schüler und Personal in allen Kindertagesstätten, Grund- und Mittelschulen aufgehoben.
Am Dienstag hörte der Oberste Gerichtshof von South Carolina den Generalstaatsanwalt Alan Wilson und die Anwälte der Stadt Columbia. Wilsons Team argumentierte, dass die Forderung der Stadt gegen ein befristetes Gesetz verstößt, das im Staatshaushalt verankert ist und auch als Vorbehalt bezeichnet wird.
Der Vorbehalt lautet: "Kein Schulbezirk oder eine seiner Schulen darf Mittel, die gemäß diesem Gesetz bewilligt oder genehmigt wurden, verwenden, um von seinen Schülern und/oder Mitarbeitern das Tragen eines Mundschutzes in einer seiner Bildungseinrichtungen zu verlangen. Dieses Verbot erstreckt sich auch auf die Ankündigung oder Durchsetzung einer solchen Regelung.


Репост из: Hamburg Presse


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