Репост из: Dmytro
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Winter in Winnipeg has a bit of a reputation, and it’s all deserved: It’s the coldest city in Canada with a population over 100,000. In fact, it takes that title in two different ways: coldest average winter temperature, and the highest number of days per year that are below freezing (113, to be exact). You won’t find complaining here, though—just light a bonfire, put some beers in the snow, and you’ve got a wintery Winnipeg party. Want some indoor options? A night of board games and drinks at Across the Board Cafe will keep you toasty.
Winter in Winnipeg has a bit of a reputation, and it’s all deserved: It’s the coldest city in Canada with a population over 100,000. In fact, it takes that title in two different ways: coldest average winter temperature, and the highest number of days per year that are below freezing (113, to be exact). You won’t find complaining here, though—just light a bonfire, put some beers in the snow, and you’ve got a wintery Winnipeg party. Want some indoor options? A night of board games and drinks at Across the Board Cafe will keep you toasty.