✅Post conquest of Asia Minor by Ottoman Empire and capturing of Constantinople in 1453, trade routes came
under control of Turkish Empire rule.
✅Venice and Genoa also monopolized the trade routes. ✅Hence the European traders had to search for new sea
routes to Asia and the Spice island of Indonesia; also the East Indies à Discovered Cape of Good Hope.
✅Post Renaissance, Columbus of Spain in 1492 discovered America.
✅Vasco Da Gama of Spain in 1498 discovered all new sea routes to India.
✅ English conquest started with conquering Ireland in 16th century.
✅Dutch had factories in Gujarat, Kerala, Madras, Bengal, Bihar, UP. Their main interest lay in Indonesia
Island of Java and Sumatra and Spice Islands.
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✅Post conquest of Asia Minor by Ottoman Empire and capturing of Constantinople in 1453, trade routes came
under control of Turkish Empire rule.
✅Venice and Genoa also monopolized the trade routes. ✅Hence the European traders had to search for new sea
routes to Asia and the Spice island of Indonesia; also the East Indies à Discovered Cape of Good Hope.
✅Post Renaissance, Columbus of Spain in 1492 discovered America.
✅Vasco Da Gama of Spain in 1498 discovered all new sea routes to India.
✅ English conquest started with conquering Ireland in 16th century.
✅Dutch had factories in Gujarat, Kerala, Madras, Bengal, Bihar, UP. Their main interest lay in Indonesia
Island of Java and Sumatra and Spice Islands.
Join @Upsc_4_history