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#intervyu/ interview
#Universitet yuksalish yo`lida/ The university is on the way to its progress
# “Xorazm yoshlari” turkumi/ ” Khorezm Youth " series
🎤Urganch davlat universiteti rektori B.Abdullayev bilan suhbat
🎤Interview with Rector of Urgench State University B. Abdullaev
🔰So`nggi yillarda ta`lim sohasida amalga oshirilayotgan islohotlar Urganch davlat universiteti misolida
🔰Reforms in education carried out in recent years on the example of Urgench State University
#Universitet yuksalish yo`lida/ The university is on the way to its progress
# “Xorazm yoshlari” turkumi/ ” Khorezm Youth " series
🎤Urganch davlat universiteti rektori B.Abdullayev bilan suhbat
🎤Interview with Rector of Urgench State University B. Abdullaev
🔰So`nggi yillarda ta`lim sohasida amalga oshirilayotgan islohotlar Urganch davlat universiteti misolida
🔰Reforms in education carried out in recent years on the example of Urgench State University