(part 1) Our summary after analyzing various position papers and the "Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets" by Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics about "protein intake": Do you think that only "average people" act like sheeps? Remember sheeps are 1) those following other 2) those ignoring things by having just one point of view
The reality is that even professional (not all!) are doing that, showed with for example the Iron - Spinach myth and now even with the "Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets", just about the topic "protein intake". We still haven't published comment about Germany The German Nutrition Society (DGE), but they "bad analyzed the topic protein intake" too, even if they don't suggest a vegan diet. The only data is based on an Australian study and different kids studies. At least Germany and Ufficio federale della sicurezza alimentare e di veterinaria USAV did a better job than other.
In summary: USA used almost just books (which are not a scientific source for informations!), such pdf / books are citing studies published more than 20/30 years ago (all new studies get just ignored, except in part in the 🇨🇭swiss statement), where data is missing, specific groups where not analysed (especially elderly, male, kids or people with specific disease or needs ...) and no difference between countries has been made too. 2009 version has 2 citations (1 paper and 1 book, excluding this about sport ...), 2016 has 3 (the same book, the book of the author ... and a pdf with over 1000 pages). So not 100+ like dietitians and vegans are saying. Without considering the citation in citation, topic we analyzed and verified too. Even if studies said for example 40% of the the people don't get enough protein, they simply ignored that, because they just checked ø without considering the additional need of elderly, etc. too. Missing data studies or just about adult women got at the end considered as "facts for all people, no matter what".
The reality is that even professional (not all!) are doing that, showed with for example the Iron - Spinach myth and now even with the "Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets", just about the topic "protein intake". We still haven't published comment about Germany The German Nutrition Society (DGE), but they "bad analyzed the topic protein intake" too, even if they don't suggest a vegan diet. The only data is based on an Australian study and different kids studies. At least Germany and Ufficio federale della sicurezza alimentare e di veterinaria USAV did a better job than other.
In summary: USA used almost just books (which are not a scientific source for informations!), such pdf / books are citing studies published more than 20/30 years ago (all new studies get just ignored, except in part in the 🇨🇭swiss statement), where data is missing, specific groups where not analysed (especially elderly, male, kids or people with specific disease or needs ...) and no difference between countries has been made too. 2009 version has 2 citations (1 paper and 1 book, excluding this about sport ...), 2016 has 3 (the same book, the book of the author ... and a pdf with over 1000 pages). So not 100+ like dietitians and vegans are saying. Without considering the citation in citation, topic we analyzed and verified too. Even if studies said for example 40% of the the people don't get enough protein, they simply ignored that, because they just checked ø without considering the additional need of elderly, etc. too. Missing data studies or just about adult women got at the end considered as "facts for all people, no matter what".