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📝 AYYOU MAIN SOD ! isii disinii 😋💘
% !¡ archel 🎸 。: spill pin rc
angga.: spill chr mantan dan inisial mantan
aruunaaaaa: spill chat paling nyebelin
shaery, you there?: spill moots terkeren
Jorrico: spill chat tergemas
𝐕esna: spill playlist musicc
a`: Spill moots fav?
👥 7 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board
% !¡ archel 🎸 。: spill pin rc
angga.: spill chr mantan dan inisial mantan
aruunaaaaa: spill chat paling nyebelin
shaery, you there?: spill moots terkeren
Jorrico: spill chat tergemas
𝐕esna: spill playlist musicc
a`: Spill moots fav?
👥 7 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board