Powerful news about TON 💎
Telegram CEO just wrote that they are launching Telegram Ads advertising platform to another +100 countries. And now channel owners will get 50% of the revenue from advertising in their channels through the official advertising platform.
But the most interesting thing is not that, it's this:
‼️ All Telegram Ads will be sold for TON and payments will be in TON as well
Powerful news for TON. The token is already flying up 🔥
💬 Original news source: https://t.me/durov/247
📈 UPD: TON is already $2.95 (was $2.15)
Telegram CEO just wrote that they are launching Telegram Ads advertising platform to another +100 countries. And now channel owners will get 50% of the revenue from advertising in their channels through the official advertising platform.
But the most interesting thing is not that, it's this:
‼️ All Telegram Ads will be sold for TON and payments will be in TON as well
Powerful news for TON. The token is already flying up 🔥
💬 Original news source: https://t.me/durov/247
📈 UPD: TON is already $2.95 (was $2.15)