Volkisch Uprising

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A channel dedicated to our volk and germanic paganism as a whole. European and Euro American Pagans!
Remember Odin is with us always!

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The Germanic “Harii” tribe This tribe has only been mentioned in passing by Tacitus, in his work De Germania. The tribe’s name came from the Proto-Germanic word harjaz, which means “warrior.” True enough, the warriors of this tribe have earned their name, not only from their superior strength, but also from tactics. These warriors had been known to paint themselves and their shields black, and attack their enemies of Rome or Neighboring tribes during the night, when they least expected it. Modern scholars have connected this tribe to the Viking’s Odin-related practices and beliefs: “Einherjar” (warriors who died during battle and thus will fight in Ragnarök), the Wild Hunt and the berserkers, through etymology.The Harii have no known descendants. The tribe had probably merged with larger neighboring tribes.

Репост из: Aryanism
"Traitors and deserters are hanged on trees; cowards, shirkers, and sodomites are pressed down under a wicker hurdle into the slimy mud of a bog. This distinction in the punishments is based on the idea that offenders against the state should be made a public example of, whereas deeds of shame should be buried out of men's sight."

Gaius Cornelius Tacitus, Germania c. 98 CE

Alemanni is an Ancient Germanic Swabian barbarian tribe located mainly in the South Germany region of Western Europe; already existing in the 'Pre-Roman-Parthian War' era. At the starting year of 2, the tribe is surrounded by fellow Germanic countries Cherusci in the north, Hermunduri in the northeast and Suebi in the east this tribe resides on the East Rhine and was active from 2 CE to 486 CE and was involved in the teutoburg forest ambush in 9 CE with arminius and his cherusci tribe..my German ancestors and many others are from the same area as the Alemanni tribe.

⚔️ Viking/Norseman shield replicas #norsepaganism #germanicpaganism #scandinavian #vikings #norsemen #drakkar ⚔️

Репост из: Aryanism

Репост из: Aryanism
XVII For all that, the marriage bond is strict, and no feature in their mode of life is more creditable to them than this. Unlike the great majority of barbarians, they are content with one wife: very few of them have more than one, and these few exceptions are not due to wantonness; they are cases of men of high rank, to whom several matrimonial alliances have been offered from motives of policy. The wife does not bring a dowry to
her husband; on the contrary, he offers one to her. This part of the affair is arranged by her parents and kinsmen, and they pass judgment on the wedding gifts, which are no toys collected to suit feminine frivolities or adorn a bride; instead of that, they consist of oxen, and a bridled horse, and shield and spear and sword. These are the presents that await her as a wife, and her own wedding present to her husband in return is a gift of arms. This is the strongest bond of union - this the mystery of marriage; these are their gods of wedded life. Lest the woman should think that masculine courage and the perils of war lie beyond her sphere, these tokens remind her upon the threshold of marriage that she comes as the man's partner in toils and dangers; and that in peace and in war she must expect to suffer and to dare the same. This is the signification of the oxen in the yoke, of the harnessed horse, of the offering of arms. Thus is she bound to live and thus to die. She receives what she is to hand on to her sons, inviolate and unprofaned; what her sons' wives are to receive after her, and they, in their turn, to hand on to her children's children.

Tacitus accounts of Germania, 98 AD


Some Great artwork #norsepaganism #germanic #nordicpagans #longship #vikings #norsemen

Репост из: ⚔️ 𝖂𝖔𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖘 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖐 ⚔️
Swedish girl in the 1890s

Thanks for the love angelwaffen! Love you guys

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Репост из: Order 15 Channel

“Wherever you know of harm, regard that harm as your own, and give your foes no peace.” ~Odin

In Norse mythology freyja (/ˈfreɪə/; Old Norse for "(the) Lady") is the goddess associated with war, death, love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, and seiðr.

“People May try and Erase away our History but they will never take away the spirit of our Volk which may live in our blood forever” ~ ᛟᛋᛖᛈᚺ ~ 2020AD

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