Vox Venatoris

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Категория: Блоги

Venator Rex's stream-of-consciousness

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Репост из: Das Bunker - Library
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Репост из: Tennessee Nationalists
Hurricane Helene swept north through the Gulf of Mexico causing devastation along its path. Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina have not been spared from damage, yet what help is on the way?

The response of Tennessee officials is immensely lackluster with possible effective assistance in the form of the Tennessee National Guard instead being utilized for increased support of Israel halfway across the world.

This announcement comes as of September 26th while the fallout of the desolation continues to unravel. The ridiculous and irresponsible course of action to this point serves as a reminder that the powers of this country, both Republican and Democrat, are not here for us. With each passing day and with each decision they make, they invalidate and undermine their own mandates.


Репост из: No BS kNews
2 Jewish leaders signing
off on a war where young
White Christian Men Kill
each other so that
American military
companies can profit

#Weimerica Death Cult

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Репост из: The End Times

Репост из: White Propaganda
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Репост из: The Repository
“I’m going on an adventure!!”

Courtesy of J

Репост из: The Course of Empire (Uncensored)
Remember, he could have pardoned them while still president, but chose not to. Instead, he pardoned Jewish hedge fund con artists and an Israeli spy, as well as black rappers; few of whom ever supported him nor were grateful to him for what he did for them. https://t.me/hapaperspective/14929

Репост из: HapaPerspective
Imagine taking on massive debt and spending the prime years of your life to earn credentials in a field with almost no job prospects. That’s why college/university is mostly a scam.

Репост из: Normie Pipeline
In 1922, turkish troops occupied the Greek city of Smyrna. Moments after the occupation, Turks gathered in front of the church where Metropolitan Chrystosomos was preaching.

There are no words to describe what the turkish pests did, other than the words from an French soldier who witnessed the events transpiring:

The mob took possession of Metropolitan Chrysostom and carried him away... a little further on, in front of an Italian hairdresser named Ismail ... they stopped and the Metropolitan was slipped into a white hairdresser's overall. They began to beat him with their fists and sticks and to spit on his face. They riddled him with stabs. They tore his beard off, they gouged his eyes out, they cut off his nose and ears.

The Metropolitan was a staunch advocate for Greek liberation and Nationalism. Served to aid the Greek military. Refused to leave his congregation when the Turks came. Martyred for both his race and his faith. For that, he was canonized as a Martyr Saint.

Ζήτω Η Ελλάδα 🇬🇷

Репост из: Smoke Pit V
The United States-Mexican border war of 1910-1920 doesn't get as much attention in our circles as it should. Coinciding with the Mexican Revolution, it was a period of cross-border raids, armed expeditions, and overall banditry & lawlessness. Not much different from today, really, other than the US government pretending such problems don't exist.

While actions such as the Battle of Vera Cruz or the American Punitive expedition are better known, the Plan de San Diego is pretty interesting as it was an failed operation to kill all White men (German-Americans and White women were to be spared, as the German Empire had been supporting Mexico & I'll give you two guesses why they didn't want to kill the women) in the southwest in an attempt to take back those territories. It collapsed shortly after its discovery, but you'd be high on batshit if you don't think that those sentiments still don't exist.

Репост из: ALL YOUR BASE 2

Репост из: The Greyson
Rhodesia is important because it was a normal Western country typical of the century. "More British than the British."

The key to Rhodesia's national identity and success was that it wasn't a land of reprobates and freebooters picking their teeth with Bowie knives

Rather, from the time of the Pioneer Column into the Bush War, it was on the hunt for the best men of England.
With restrictive immigration policies to ensure only those who would be able to assimilate would be allowed.

Репост из: John Fassbinder AFP
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To Nathan’s point, Trump himself acts as false opposition to an anti-White system while simultaneously being the single greatest supporter of those responsible for it; international Jewry. Therefore, I feel that infiltrating their events to pull the (very few salvageable) misguided Republicans in our direction is important, and prevent those not yet entrapped by it from becoming completely compromised.

If nothing else, we should be grilling these Republicans on the important issues. We must do this in order to highlight their hypocrisy and anti-Whiteness, particularly to show the well-intentioned young and upcoming WN men who may find Trump appealing that they have no home at a MAGA rally. These people hate White Identity just as much as the average leftist.

For the record, my position is that Alex was taken down for the wrong reasons (it was done by people who happen to also think he’s a “White Supremacist”, similar to how pro-Palestinian leftists hate Israel simply because they view them as White’s oppressing brown people), there is no reason that we shouldn’t allow the enemy to do our bidding. Just the same as the pro-Palestinian leftists, while their opposition to Israel is misguided, it still serves to oppose the single greatest threat to Our People, that being international Jewry.

Репост из: Nathan Damigo
Great news that this anti-White, Jew loving, race mixing, filthy liar's platform is being taken from him. There is nothing that should be celebrated more than the destruction of false opposition. Though it's entirely possible that the creepy My Pillow Guy or some other Jew or Jew worshipper will buy it and keep it running as is. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2024/09/25/alex-jones-infowars-will-be-auctioned-off-to-help-pay-sandy-hook-families-15-billion-heres-what-to-know/

Репост из: Alt Skull's Charnel House
If enough people say no, there’s literally nothing the System can do about it.

h/t: Lucas


If they tax unrealized gains, it's over

Репост из: Forgotten Bible quotes

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