⚪️ White Lives Matter Activists have been placing pro-White material throughout British Columbia.
📌 The Balkans had been written off to the roaches even before Constantinople fell, yet what was lost in centuries was regained in decades and the White man became master of his own fate once more. Don't despair. We've been through worse and we'll once more enter a golden age that will make our race's previous accomplishments look puny in comparison.
⚪️ Join us @WLM_BC_CHAT and get involved locally!
📌 The Balkans had been written off to the roaches even before Constantinople fell, yet what was lost in centuries was regained in decades and the White man became master of his own fate once more. Don't despair. We've been through worse and we'll once more enter a golden age that will make our race's previous accomplishments look puny in comparison.
⚪️ Join us @WLM_BC_CHAT and get involved locally!