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getting ready for the new year but what are you doing for your people right now?
Don't wait contact your local admin or or chat and get after it.

ATTENTION White Lives Matter Alabama, obviously the attempts and efforts never cease from Anti-Whites to acquire personal information from our members, but these attempts as of recent have only increased. It cannot be overstated that no legitimate member or admin of WLM will ever ask or require any of you to disclose or provide personal information and or any other information related to social media. Remain mindful that these ass 🤡 clowns that are mining for your private/personal information are being paid to do so and have absolutely nothing better to do with their pathetic excuses for lives than to try and dox you for financial/ professional damage or perhaps even worse. Do not fall for their stale attempts at gaining your important, private information. @wlm_usa_alabama

Christmas is over and we are back to activism. show the people in your community that there are people standing up for them and speaking out.
@WhiteLivesMatterOfficial https://t.me/WLM_USA_NEBRASKA

Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏼‍♀️The symbol under which we fight is the symbol of our future.

Anti-Whites are scared, we are not just a nightmare - we are here in real life. We are not just memes, we are not just on the internet anymore. We are here in the real world and are finally ready to give all we have for our future.

No more talking, no more debating and certainly no more cucking.
Nothing scares the anti-White rats more than our bold commiment to securing our children's future even if we have to give our lives for it.

They have started cloning accounts, begging for doxxable info, crying on reddit, crying on twitter, asking their jewish overlords to yet again ban us from the internet in countries like the UK.

This is a message to all of you: the more you mess with us the more we will give you back. We will never forget.

Our patience has its limits.


Making some prepackaged activism for Christmas
@WhiteLivesMatterOfficial https://t.me/WLM_USA_NEBRASKA

Getting in as may stickers as possible before Christmas.
@WhiteLivesMatterOfficial https://t.me/WLM_USA_NEBRASKA

Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
📌Today we have hit 10,000 subscribers on our main platform, where everything started in April of this year.

We want to thank all those who have contributed in one way or another. Perhaps with a share online, perhaps with organizing a rally in front of the ADL.

We are all a family at WLM and we uphold White Unity at the core of the initiative.

As grateful as we are for hitting the 10k mark, the most important number for us remains 14. Thus, we are releasing a graphic in hopes of popularizing this number and its meaning and helping pro-Whites recognize each other more easily.

If you play sports, take number 14. If you wear caps, stick a 14 on it. If you feel the need to flash a hand sign, flash the 1 4.

But more importantly, you LIVE the 14 words. Apply to get involved with us anonymously at @wlmcontactbot.


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
📌This one is for the brave, for those who walk the walk.

12 days in 2022. Each day should be treated as the "last" battle. After all, have we watched all these documentaries for nothing? Have we watched our women being raped and children being killed for nothing? Have we suffered this much to go down in silence?


If you think you'll do "something for the race" at "some point" you are wrong. If you think things will fall into place you are wrong. If you think the system will collapse and the Aryan Reich will spawn out of thin air you are wrong.

We are approaching the abyss and any delay to taking real life action and helping our people gather along racial lines is akin to suicide.

You have the dates. Twelve days. Show up, with or without us. There are local channels everywhere in the world. We kick off the year with January the 15th! @wlmcontactbot to become local admin.


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
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Смотреть в Telegram
📌Our final event of the year saw approximately 200 activists taking a stand for our Race worldwide. Some of the states that saw the biggest pro-White activity this month are: TX, FL, OH, MT, CA, WI, IL, TN, NJ, NY, PA, GA, AL, VA, AR, CND, NE, NL, GER, ROU. Notable mention is TX, which peacefully protested in front of the ADL.

So far, there have been over 25 rallies, 100 banner drops as well as over 1,000,000 stickers being put up in our first 8 months of activity. We look forward to increasing this tenfold in 2022.

As WLM is decentralized and anonymous, it falls upon YOU to get it started in YOUR area. Ideally, we want to establish a pro-White effort in every single village of every single county of every single state. Awakening our People is not enough, we must make our people get active. To join as local admin, message @wlmcontactbot.

Calendar for 2022 events and the updated WLM manual to drop soon. Your NYE resolution should be fighting for White Children in real life. 14.


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
📌Reminder to record the pro-White activism you do in landscape video format, NOT portrait.

High quality videos, not pictures. Try to film as many aspects of activism as possible:
- making of/preparations
- dropping the banners/stickers/rallies
- aftermath/reactions.

Pictures will not be included in the monthly montage. You can send your video submissions at @wlmsubmissionbot or to your local state admin.

Note: all activism must be anonymous. Read OPSEC

Today we let actions speak! 14.


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
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Смотреть в Telegram
📌We must find it in our hearts to give more for our people.

Tomorrow, 18th of December we must again go out and spread the message that we ARE fighting for White Children's future and that we welcome all good-willing people to join us.

Time is running out, and we are aware of it. For our children!


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
📌The @WhiteLivesMatterOfficial affiliated channels

Apart from the local channels, we have created 6 new ones, to spread and disseminate pro-White content.

1. t.me/WLM_materials -> will contain stickers, banners, t-shirts, flyers and anything else consumable
2. t.me/WLM_events -> will contain montages from our previous events and list with event locations
3. t.me/WLM_tutorials -> will contain OPSEC, telegram, sticker, banner, flag, flyer how-tos
4. t.me/WLM_listening -> will contain podcasts, audiobooks, pro-White takes
5. t.me/WLM_reading -> will contain books, articles, pro-White lectures
6. t.me/WLM_viewing -> will contain pro-White documentaries, videos, films

Join all of these channels and pin them in saved messages. Share!


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏼‍♀️The symbol under which we fight is the symbol of our future.

Anti-Whites are scared, we are not just a nightmare - we are here in real life. We are not just memes, we are not just on the internet anymore. We are here in the real world and are finally ready to give all we have for our future.

No more talking, no more debating and certainly no more cucking.
Nothing scares the anti-White rats more than our bold commiment to securing our children's future even if we have to give our lives for it.

They have started cloning accounts, begging for doxxable info, crying on reddit, crying on twitter, asking their jewish overlords to yet again ban us from the internet in countries like the UK.

This is a message to all of you: the more you mess with us the more we will give you back. We will never forget.

Our patience has its limits.


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
📌In the author's opinion, the reason why the pro-White community has made virtually no progress since the 1940s is precisely because of poor messaging and strategy.

Many people have co-opted the pro-White community to serve their financial purposes. Some were gatekeeping infiltrators to begin with. Most simply needed a refuge.

✡As jews & marxists consolidated power after WW2 in virtually all parts of the governments, media and culture, the pro-White movement was pushed underground. The same jews and marxists painted any pro-White person as being an "ignorant nazi" ready to smash "innocent" non-Whites' heads for no reason.

Although National Socialism was anything but, the false portrayal of its ideals and the creation of various "nazi" stereotypes - the most common being a "a foul mouthed, unemployed, ignorant, uneducated and marginalized person hated by everyone in their community" - lead to a large influx of, for a lack of better word, marginalized White People into the "movement".

For a long time, the "movement" was ridden with people with nothing else to offer to the world other than insults and name calling. It was a win-win situation for the anti-Whites and the "movementarians" alike, and a total DEFEAT for the White race.

On the one hand, the marginalized people who started taking pro-White views, suddenly belonged to something, suddenly had a purpose and were not irrelevant anymore. They could say "I'm the stereotype, you are not, therefore I am cooler, I am something." While their intentions might have been good, the message and delivery only drove people away.

On the other hand, the jewish & marxist elite could not believe their eyes how easy it was to transform Nationalism from a movement of intellectuals, family men and noble heroes into a bunch of disgruntled people seemingly deriving their will not out of love for their children, but out of addiction to shock-value interactions.

👉🏻This, of course, led to the rejection of the explicitly pro-White ideas in the public discourse. It made intellectuals, family men and heroes fall for the globalist trap precisely because the pro-White reach at the time was faulty. No White Person will align themselves with people shouting "nigger" randomly in the streets, but they will definitely resonate with an initiative that tries to create a better future for White Children, and delivering that message in a White way.

🎯To be clear: at WLM, since April 2021 (we have just a name similarity to any prior "WLM" groups - we are a new initiative), we have tried to create a new way of thinking, delivering and acting. A new form of pro-White activism. That is, being and acting explicitly pro-White in an appealing manner, without any political, religious add-ons.

For us, being part of the race means more than simply possessing the genetics and definitely more than spewing insults or value-shock messaging at our people. We are an initiative of mothers, fathers, builders, farmers, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, software engineers, entrepreneurs, students and so on. We want to be mainstream. We want a pro-White WORLD.

🙋🏼‍♂️Ask yourself, if the whole world was White, would you still be a valuable asset to the race? Do you bring any value to White Children? Would other White People allow you to speak for them? Can you make a compelling argument in favour of the 14 words?

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦It is not too late to join the family. The past is the past and while we can continuously learn from it, it is imperative to think of the present and shape the future. If you agree with the viewpoint, get involved in your state at @wlmcontactbot. We particularly look for people with leadership qualities.

TL;DR: The 'group first' instead of RACE FIRST mentality is killing our race. "Nigger" shouting is driving our people away from pro-White ideas. Civnats are anti-White. We can only win this by making the "movement" mainstream, not underground. You won't be as special when 99% of Whites will be explicity pro-White. You will have to bring value with your character and actions.


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