Western sons

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The culture war is heating up with every passing minute

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~Traditionalist Western Art

Art is our culture. Our culture is what we've been fighting to prolong and protect for hundreds and thousands of years. These artworks by Michelangelo, along with countless other pieces need to be protected at all costs

Ah yes and the Egyptians were supposedly Black Africans according to blacks

Champions of the past are who we look up to. Would be nice if some appeared in the present

We no longer want to be harmonious with nature. Instead we are either for or against. Humanity suffers and Nature survives or Vice Versa. This kind of mentality is wrong. I'm no greenie but the beauty of the natural world is undeniable

Imagine explaining the modern world to serfs from
The past.

Me: We have machines that can harvest in one day what 100 peasants harvest in a week with hand tools

Them: astonished* every man must live like a king! You must have such tight knit communities and spiritual strength with all the time you save!

Me: actually we work 2-3 times more than you do and we don’t own our own homes or know our neighbors. We don’t have anything in common because we believe in individualism. Most of us can’t really afford to have children and 60% live as if God did not exist and another 30% live in open contempt of God.

Them: *horrified

Me: instead we import people who hate us and which we have nothing in common with from countries we’ve made worse through our international finance and wars. We live on cocktails of self prescribed chemicals as well as mass produced drugs. We drink caffeine in the morning to get us going and then after our unfulfilling jobs we smoke marijuana or drink copious amounts of alcohol to numb ourselves to the hellish reality we live in.

We live vicariously through characters we watch on screens and we also have unlimited access to watching people fornicate in ways so sick and depraved they haven’t even been conceived of in your time and our children watch them while we work.

We manage to keep the suicide rate low enough to keep the machine running though.

~Written not by me, but by a based man named Juan

"Napoleon, who regarded modern ideas, and by immediate implication civilization itself, as something of a personal enemy, has proved to be one of the greatest successors to the Renaissance: he has unearthed an entire portion of the ancient character. The decisive one perhaps, the portion made of granite. And who knows whether this portion of ancient character will not in the end gain ascendancy again over the national movement, and will thus have to make itself the heir and successor to Napoleon in a positive sense.”

~Friedrich Nietzsche from the Joyous Science

Glorious Art vs Kindergarten Art

This is what we need more of

Once you realise this, then you can break free from the shackles

We're often told that white people have no culture, white people are toxic, white people have only caused more evil than good in the world.

It's almost impossible to address this unless you have a clear understanding as to what you yourself define as evil. Once you have your own views on evil then you'll have a firm perspective on what I said in the opening paragraph.

One thing that immediately disgusts me is that white people are all lumped into one group. This is truly idiotic as anyone who has read a single page on anything to do with European history will know the countless wars and strife that have taken place across many countries and cultures within Europe over the last 2000 years at least.

You may be thinking that I'm creating a bit of a straw man which may be true. But all you have to do is google 'white culture toxic' or something along those lines and you'll see that there are many indepth articles out there and even some websites that vaguely describe how to identify white supremacy. Weirdly enough it's so vague, but accurate, that it defines almost the entire economic world and the USA

If being toxic as a culture and race is defined by how hard your ancestors worked for generations just to live and die young without unforeseeable end, in order to try create a better life for their children and their children. Then so be it, white culture is toxic.

It's almost impossible to accurately account for the amount of good a single person can do in their life, let alone many countries and millions, and billions, of people over 2000 years or so. So how come the history of Western culture is often frowned upon in modern institutions. How come only the classical histories are viewed with less disgust. Is it because things happened so long ago that people can hardly perceive these events as history but just stories instead.

The West is often referred to as one culture these days. I think this is because these countries that form the West: Great Britain, Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, have all developed culturally and technologically at the same pace that they are then viewed as one in the same. Some of these countries have only excelled due to colonialism. But what I say to that is, that these countries have all continued to develop and succeed that they should be able to put their negative connotations in the past. But others don't see it this way. I agree there are leaks, cracks of bad decisions and things that have happened to powerful Western countries and empires that will result in its destruction shortly. But this doesn't mean that we can't try and fix these issues. Take pride in our own families, communities, culture and histories. Not forget what some of our ancestors have fought and worked for. Why should we give in to those who have no idea how to fix their own society or plan and create a genuine vision for the future of ours.

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