White Fight

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We Will Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For White Children.

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Репост из: BLUTZEUGEN(offiziell)

"The MV Wilhelm Gustloff was a German military transport ship which was sunk on 30 January 1945 by Soviet submarine S-13 in the Baltic Sea while evacuating German civilian refugees from East Prussia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Estonia and military personnel from Gotenhafen (Gdynia) as the red army advanced. By one estimate, 9,400 people died, which makes it the largest loss of life in a single ship sinking in history."

The Wilhelm Gustloff was named after the founder of the Swiss NSDAP/AO at Davos. He remained the leader from 1932 until he was assassinated in 1936 by Croatian jewish terrorist David Frankfurter, who was of course pardoned and exiled to Israel at the end of the Second World War.

An offering to their demon lord
To revel in the blood of the unborn
Bloodthirsty butcher hacks and scrapes
The cold dead carcass the jew rapes

A future life has ended here
Bloody parts lie here and there
Another soul put to waste
Discarded at the doctor’s taste

Out from the mother the child is torn
To destroy our Race before their born
Sent off to slaughter like a worthless cow
This madness will come to an end now

Acid injecting, dissolving body parts
Mutilated, desecrated, child ripped apart
Unholy murderers, butcher eagerly peaks
Picking, sifting, removing piece by piece

Childbirth gives us the gift of life
White People should grip it tight
Our job on this earth is to preserve our Race
Not to sit and watch it waste

Paying the jew to destroy our seed
Giving into their worldly greed
The time has come to draw the line
And make the jews hang for their crimes

Never Forget The White Holocaust Perpetrated On Untold MILLIONS Of Our Unborn Future Through Abortion/Infanticide. (Morgenthaler, Saportal, Malvin Weisberg, Ginsburg...)

The Devil Wears OUR Face

Familiar faces fade away in crowds of strangers interlaced
I’ve never had the words to say, but it feels like I’m being erased
Something broken in history, is the color of my skin to blame?
Will I finally be good enough if I fall to my knees and worship my shame?

Now the missing pieces finally fall into their place
We’re living in the illusion of a parasitic, carbon-copy race
Every silenced voice is a truth demons replace
In every shattered mirror the devil wears our face

Surrendered virtues for carnal desires
Vomit-fed our truth from the lips of liars
The answers wait behind a six-pointed star
Six million lies deafen us to who we are

Death in catharsis like a walking carcass
We’ve been blinded by the light of the lord of darkness
How long will we play this game?
How long we will wait to call the devil by name?

How much more are we willing to lose?
How much longer until we finally choose?

Death to the jew!

Liars – I reject your twisted fantasy
Imposter – you put this hahatred in me
So you can try and imitate our trustworthy eyes
To propagate your underhanded jewish lies

But you are nothing more than a facetious evil
A worthless, fabricated, cheap knockoff of our People
We’ve been led by monstrous angels fallen from grace
We’re living in the delusion that there is no such thing as our Race
If we drown in vice’s comfort our ignorance will reign
If we fall and fade away only the devil will remain

Показано 14 последних публикаций.


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