"I don't argue science" - this is the most bullshit people have said. A scientist should know that even other scientist are saying tons of bullshit. We already showed many great examples related to nutrition in the last weeks. A scientist never should trust any type of informations and should always verify such things, like if no one did before, otherwise he is acting like a sheep! #StopDieWelle @DieWelleTelegram
So a point is if we refer gender as gender biological, even if this topic is huge complex, considering how people are genetically hybriding / cloning animals etc.
Let we check the previous video https://t.me/WomenRightsTelegram/6
The whole conversion is going wrong. Why calling it "intersex" near a discussion about transgender, where gender is looked more as synonym of sex. By using "InterSEX" you are degrading the previous "transGENDER" making all that more SEX oriented.
Plus the real question is not "how do you define female" but "what do you consider as gender?"
The answer "7 categories to define SEX". Again we talk about SEX!
Biological sex is binary, even though there is a rainbow of sex roles https://perma.cc/LSQ2-6T8T
Intersex people (AGAIN WE ARE TALKING ABOUT HUMANS; NOT ANIMALS) represent just under 2% of the population – a comparable percentage to people born with red hair. Yet anatomy textbooks used in Australian medical schools almost completely stick to the male-female sex binary https://perma.cc/W822-JST4
Known variations in the Y and X chromosomes include XY (male), XXY (Klinefelter syndrome = 1:650 newborn males), X (Turner female syndrome), XX (female). Variations in the gonads include the presence of both ovaries and testes, or only partial development of either. Other intersex variations include a combination of male and female genitalia, and external genitalia that differs in sex to the genetic sex.
Yes, like we previously wrote that people can have a triceps with 4 heads too, etc., means we should define such person as a new type of humans? https://perma.cc/F8WC-BUKY
So a point is if we refer gender as gender biological, even if this topic is huge complex, considering how people are genetically hybriding / cloning animals etc.
Let we check the previous video https://t.me/WomenRightsTelegram/6
The whole conversion is going wrong. Why calling it "intersex" near a discussion about transgender, where gender is looked more as synonym of sex. By using "InterSEX" you are degrading the previous "transGENDER" making all that more SEX oriented.
Plus the real question is not "how do you define female" but "what do you consider as gender?"
The answer "7 categories to define SEX". Again we talk about SEX!
Biological sex is binary, even though there is a rainbow of sex roles https://perma.cc/LSQ2-6T8T
Intersex people (AGAIN WE ARE TALKING ABOUT HUMANS; NOT ANIMALS) represent just under 2% of the population – a comparable percentage to people born with red hair. Yet anatomy textbooks used in Australian medical schools almost completely stick to the male-female sex binary https://perma.cc/W822-JST4
Known variations in the Y and X chromosomes include XY (male), XXY (Klinefelter syndrome = 1:650 newborn males), X (Turner female syndrome), XX (female). Variations in the gonads include the presence of both ovaries and testes, or only partial development of either. Other intersex variations include a combination of male and female genitalia, and external genitalia that differs in sex to the genetic sex.
Yes, like we previously wrote that people can have a triceps with 4 heads too, etc., means we should define such person as a new type of humans? https://perma.cc/F8WC-BUKY