(part 2) Map Shows Where Being LGBT Can Be Punishable by Law https://perma.cc/QTJ4-2Y9A
RAINBOW EUROPE https://perma.cc/WB3D-L4PY
What you need to know about LGBT rights in 11 maps https://perma.cc/CYN9-4R57
LGBT rights by country or territory https://perma.cc/8GNM-GUQU
Morocco: Statistics https://perma.cc/8XA3-R7DR
World Population Dashboard Morocco https://perma.cc/Z7T9
So in conclusion: yes, it's wrong to discriminate trans, lesbians, gays, and the mix lesbians trans etc., like to discriminate women, animals, people by age / religious / financial aspects, etc.!
but there is a difference between discrimination and considering now lesbians or trans as a new gender! Even animals can switch gender, but this doesn't mean now there is a new gender! It's just physiology ... not anatomy!
So instead of just talking about the discrimination trans are getting, let we talk even about the discrimination animals need to see on daily basis. Remember that there are much more animals than trans getting discriminated by humans!
Part 1: https://t.me/AnimalFreaks/1682
More about discrimination of humans / animals for example:
Sources: Migration in Morocco: history, current trends and future prospects, Linking LGBT inclusion and national innovative capacity, Inclusion of LGBT Community at Workplaces The Indian Context Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Beyond The Binary: A Guidance for Inclusion of LGBTI People in Develoment Activities. Published by CanWaCH (the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children's Heatlh), The Maghreb Region: Waithood, the Myth of Youth Bulges and the Reality of Frustrated Aspirations, Projection of populations by level of educational attainment, age, and sex for 120 countries for 2005-2050
RAINBOW EUROPE https://perma.cc/WB3D-L4PY
What you need to know about LGBT rights in 11 maps https://perma.cc/CYN9-4R57
LGBT rights by country or territory https://perma.cc/8GNM-GUQU
Morocco: Statistics https://perma.cc/8XA3-R7DR
World Population Dashboard Morocco https://perma.cc/Z7T9
So in conclusion: yes, it's wrong to discriminate trans, lesbians, gays, and the mix lesbians trans etc., like to discriminate women, animals, people by age / religious / financial aspects, etc.!
but there is a difference between discrimination and considering now lesbians or trans as a new gender! Even animals can switch gender, but this doesn't mean now there is a new gender! It's just physiology ... not anatomy!
So instead of just talking about the discrimination trans are getting, let we talk even about the discrimination animals need to see on daily basis. Remember that there are much more animals than trans getting discriminated by humans!
Part 1: https://t.me/AnimalFreaks/1682
More about discrimination of humans / animals for example:
Sources: Migration in Morocco: history, current trends and future prospects, Linking LGBT inclusion and national innovative capacity, Inclusion of LGBT Community at Workplaces The Indian Context Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Beyond The Binary: A Guidance for Inclusion of LGBTI People in Develoment Activities. Published by CanWaCH (the Canadian Partnership for Women and Children's Heatlh), The Maghreb Region: Waithood, the Myth of Youth Bulges and the Reality of Frustrated Aspirations, Projection of populations by level of educational attainment, age, and sex for 120 countries for 2005-2050