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Гео и язык канала
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hfw? don't let it flow thanks a bunch!

📝 HFW ⚠️ bonjour! i'm here to find a new mutuals, so please drop ur cool usn [ @. ] for sfs main acc with me soobin gf. but first u have to read the desclaimer in my ch so that nothing unwanted happens.

aga: @xeeagxee

jeya ⱱgx: @minjfukim everyone’s allowed

zcr⁴ . dirlan . R48 . victoryking⁵: @kimyerixxzha

Shia sedang hepi: 🎻.⋆ @clonedahyun everyone's allowed

àndre @liiknoow: @liiknoow

Sang bidadari, Kaily @iamiremne: @iamiremne

aruna isn’t mood: @duztysaturn

Sergio R.: @iLeeJenoie

renjie: @l10vingnjun

Nāsha: @ChouuxTzuyu

Julie Hilaire: @vjulia

Lil Princess Ruru!◞♡: @chikareu

👥 12 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board

Репост из: Phels
📝 [HFW] good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, do you want to do a symbiotic mutualism with @Chupkiess? if yes please drop @. you to do a symbiotic mutualism with me
Kalo lebih suka simbiosis parasitisme (jarang diving, curang, deak sembarangan), plagiat, grammar police etc DNI

🕸 0 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board


i wanna see who's active

🗳 siang

- severane panggil aja rena @saeromwz
- naesha lagi sed
- 👩‍🌾 nwcteam . jéna @iKivmminjeong #TREAEOPMEM
- Raedèn M #BlueBirthday
- niraziki
- Mirācle Kaelléna D. @hans2hee
- vl² 𝐉inggá @iPrettyHanshee
- bibèl. @qJenniz
- Airys, DNI.
- vanillaa sedank galo
- elegi rapih; Elfay @somsori
- zayyan
- Malik @usthv
- jaehyun's girlfie, 𝓒hae
- Ford Hudson.
- Rachely Nathalia @rosaeanner
- Ayegii @je0nsomine
- Viegant core thekth
- 189. praja @Taeehhyunggg
- Arayya
- ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞ bun-miilo! ୨♡୧
- Naurya Casey @nrycsy
- Nàdhira C. Vespucci @Vampiredz
- The Amazing, Zöe @marvellzoe
- arventa revalia.
- k᥆k᥆ ૮₍´˶• . • ⑅ ₎ა
- Látevhia Poinsettia
- 𝕭 prtkm³
- Egythá D. @egytha
- ㅤㅤ@iYewounKim
- Duplikat Kanemoto Yoshinori.
- The $exiest, Senala
- vergan @boyscrimnale
- piol @lippiedeola
- meira #JP @imirakc
- 흥분한, ꭉׂ݂‌ᧉꬻj𐓟ֹ︩︪ꬼִֺ‌à ৎ୭
- Arshaka @leejeenan

👥 37 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

Репост из: Phoebe.
[HFW] salam hangat 'tuk sampean ingkang maos papan anonim niki. Kula @somsori, membuka papan untuk menjalin relasi antar saluran kanal. Jika berkenan, harap tinggal panduan 'tuk mlampah ing saluran kanal sampean. hanya tuk akun utama. homophobic, rprl area, bukan akun utama, rasis, mboten diperkenankan menaruh @ ing mriki

Репост из: arcoíris
📝 [HFW] hello, i'm looking for new moots drop ur @ for sfs main acc with @Y_KARlNA . only ch pribadi, rprl area DNI.

👤 @NeshXiaoting everyone's allowed

👤 @urwoojae everyone's allowed

👤 @rohyoonseho

👤 @kimtqehyungst everyone's allowed

👤 @AEkraina everyone's allowed

👤 @userrmahes

👤 @fkimjennies

👤 @qRosiiee

👥 8 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Репост из: nrn
📝 HFW!! // drop your prettıes @ username. for do sfs MAIN ACCOUNT wıth @renpuns. homophobıc , admın upsubs , channel store , sq , help ddon't ınteract (dnı) to ddıs board , pwease 💟.

🕸 0 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

hari ini bawa hp aku diving siang ya


𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗥 due to ﹫telegram's policy i declare that this account and channel is not real Park Chaeyoung ( 박채영 ) from BLΛƆKPIИK have no connection with her or YG Entertainment. this account was created for roleplayer purpose only so please be a good and smart mutuals.

𝗗𝗡𝗜 & 𝗗𝗦𝗜 : if u’re considered as someone racist, religion-phobic, don't understand jokes, side account, hate and compare to what i like, account that promotes self-harm, animal abuser, don't appreciate a difference, normalize inappropriate things, stubborn, pedophile, two faced, anti-critics, homo/lgbt phobic, and problematic people.

𝗕𝟰𝗨 𝗙𝗢𝗟𝗟𝗢𝗪 : here i use harsh words i usually don't post content warnings or trigger alerts for content on this channel, fake blood, dark jokes, nsfw, sometimes also contain mockery.

𝗔𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 : if u feel uncomfortable with what's here or my attitude u can leave this channel (+) don't forget to remove me ROSEANNE from ur channel, don't take or follow anything here without permission and don't use the word inspired if u're a plagiarist thank u very much for ur cooperation.

ATTENTION : aku ganti usn ch aku from @.DRUGSVSEX to @YSLAUREINT

Показано 19 последних публикаций.


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