👋 Hello everyone, I'm the creator of RSSHub, and I've recently developed a special RSS reader called Follow. This reader is seamlessly integrated with RSSHub, making it easier for users to access and utilize its features. Follow represents my new exploration into the future possibilities of RSS. It will be launching on Product Hunt
next Monday, and I would greatly appreciate your support by voting for it on that day. Your support is crucial for the continued growth and development of both Follow and RSSHub. Thank you so much!!! 🙏🙏🙏
👋 大家好,我是 RSSHub 的作者。最近我开发了一款名为 Follow 的特别的 RSS 阅读器。这个阅读器与 RSSHub 无缝集成,让用户更轻松地访问和使用其功能。Follow 代表了我对 RSS 未来可能性的全新探索。它将于
下周一 在 Product Hunt 上发布,希望大家能在当天投票支持。如果你是 RSSHub 的爱好者、或认同相似的理念,非常希望你也来为我们投票。每一票对我们都很重要,也是对社区和团队最大的支持和鼓励,非常感谢!!! 🙏🙏🙏
If you already have an Product Hunt account, please help me click "Notify me" in advance. If you don't have an account, please help me register in advance to ensure you can vote on the day.
如果你已有 Product Hunt 账户,请帮我们提前点击 "Notify me"。如果你没有账户,请帮我们提前注册以避免当天权重过低无法投票
Link: https://www.producthunt.com/products/follow-3