ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 𝗗𝗶𝗦𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗶𝗠𝗘𝗥
ㅤㅤ𝕯ue to
@Telegram's new rules and policies
ㅤㅤto avoid misunderstandings, I declare thatㅤㅤ
ㅤㅤi'm not the real Roseanna Park.
ㅤㅤThis channel and account is intended for
ㅤㅤRoleplaying purposes only and doesn't have
ㅤㅤany connection with Roseanna Park in real
ㅤㅤlife. All media used come from Google,
ㅤㅤPinterest, Instagram and other social media.