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The only thing dumber than trying to please everyone is thinking you can.

Once you win, the only people who think it was luck weren’t there.

Path to mediocrity:

Make all decisions based on what your mediocre friends think is a good idea.

Something that took me way too long to learn:

It’s better to get a 10x employee at 2x the price than 1x employee at a half the price.

Your biggest threat isn’t your competition, it’s mediocrity.

Something that took me way too long to learn:

It’s better to get a 10x employee at 2x the price than 1x employee at a half the price.

If you want to feel better, blame others.
If you want to get better, blame yourself.

Level 1 salesmen focus on getting better at sales.

Level 2 salesmen focus on getting better people to sell to.

Level 3 salesmen focus on getting better things to sell.

Level 4 salesmen don’t sell anything at all and simply make it easy for people to buy.

Guaranteed way to win:

Have higher standards than your competitors.

Stop crying.

It’s not happening as fast as you want because you’re not as good as you think you are.

#1 Creator Mistake:

They keep building new products for their audience rather than building more audience for their product.

You can't listen to people who aren't where you wanna be because they can't give you directions on how to get there.

I’ve noticed a lot of business lessons I need to relearn at each level.

How I started:

Focus on one thing
Hire smart people
Think long term

Each of these lessons I’ve had to relearn as companies scaled because:

Focus is even harder when opportunities grow like weeds. They must be trimmed.

What you think smart looks like at $100k per year is very different from what smart looks like at $100M per year.

What feels like long term thinking when you start out is a quarter and eventually becomes multiple years (or decades).

Some lessons are like wine - they age and develop with time.

How to make life hard:

Date useless people. Justify your relationship to friends by saying “they just need to get to know them.”

They have. And they suck.

Better to be alone than be with someone worthless.

How to pick what to sell when you’re getting started:

Do the thing that someone will pay you the most money for at the lowest cost to you.

It takes everyone a different amount of time to realize:

Most people aren’t worth meeting.
Most places aren’t worth going to.
Most projects aren’t worth working on.

Saying no - is how you show the people, places, and things that are worth it, that you mean it.

The best way to hit next year’s goals is to not wait until next year to work on them.


Just win.

Some people say they’d “kill for a shot” or they’d “die for the chance” when in reality they won’t even wake up sixty minutes earlier for it.

Value is what’s left after you remove all friction.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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