All White Rising

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Europeans today are a global minority. Less than 7% of the world’s population, when it used to be 40% in the 1900’s. This channel is about the issues that plague our countries and our plight to survive.

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Репост из: Ricky's Next Big Project
A White man, Peter Benchley, wrote a best-selling book about a "tall, blond hero" who defeated a great white shark preying upon a community.

Benchley had been inspired by reports in the 60s of a 4550 lb great white shark caught by an Aryan fishermen off the New York coastline.

Enter troop of Jews: film producer Spielberg, a Gotlieb & a Sackler...

The Aryan hero is recast as dowdy Jew Richard Dreyfuss by Jew director Steven Spielberg.

Never heard of a true life tale of "man vs wild" where the "man" was a Jew.

Aryan Jan Michael Vincent had been suggested for the role as he reassembled the character in the novel but was rejected by the Jew kabal in favor of fellow frumpy, 5' 5" Jew, Dreyfuss.

Репост из: 🌲WeimarWorld2🌲
📝 302 replies

I fucking hate this country

^^ Chinkks eat anything and everything that normal humans wouldn’t even regard as actual food. Including bird nests.

Репост из: Agents Of Truth
According to KIaus Schwab the psychopath creator of the WEF, attempting to rule our lives, dictate us on how we need to live, you’re a racist, if you refuse to eat bugs instead of meats.

It’s White Supremacy and domestic terrorism, if we oppose being replaced in our own homelands.

Репост из: Неизвестно
Recycle the local antennae near you to reduce your countries carbon footprint, and do your part to save the planet from global Zionism.

Репост из: Diana Zajdel
Hi, this is urgent. On Monday the abortion lobby are going to attempt to introduce abortion UP TO BIRTH to England and Wales via an amendment to the Police, Crime, etc Bill. Please take 30 seconds to email your MP now asking them to oppose this extreme change:

Репост из: Blackpilled
Every. Single. Time.

Репост из: Lauren Witzke IS the Senate ☦️🇺🇸
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Two arrests made at a Virginia school board meeting after it was declared an unlawful assembly because parents protesting critical race theory and transgender policy refused to leave.

Parents who oppose exposing their children to anti-White and pro-pedophilia propaganda will soon find themselves on the No Fly list.

Evil, vile country.

Репост из: Pax Tube
On this day in history in 1498, Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I expelled Jews from Nuremberg Bavaria for engaging in out of control usury and aiding/abetting criminals.

Репост из: Mike Peinovich
A Black Militia group called "Rise of the Moors" emerged today after a standoff with cops in which they blocked traffic on I-95 in Wakefield Mass.

A cop pulled them over and said there were 8 to 10 Blacks in body armor armed with long rifles and pistols. They refused to show any licensing for the firearms.

The group was totally unknown to law enforcement and the FBI before today despite their organization and their plans to go train in the woods in Maine.

The story is being downplayed by the media.

The Feds are focused on one thing and one thing only, the nonexistent threat of "domestic White terrorism" which in reality is simply the suppression of White political dissent. They don't care about anything else.

Blacks are basically above the law in the US and zero FBI or law enforcement resources are used for tracking Black gang and Black militia activity, which is how this group caught them completely flat-footed.

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Copied the following from a financial blog that deserves urgent attention.

Upcoming event: Cyber Polygon, 9th July 2021 Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), repeatedly mentions that there’s an incoming “cyber pandemic” which will have a worse impact than covid. The WEF is the same organization that teamed up with John’s Hopkins and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to run a coronavirus pandemic simulation in October 2019, one month before the outbreak began in Wuhan ( ). This has to be just a coincidence. Look at the two recent cyberattacks: JBS is a member corporation of the World Economic Forum. The primary owners of the colonial pipeline (Koch Industries) are also involved in the WEF as a member corporation... Another strange coincidence. The cyber pandemic will likely take place shortly after the WEF’s simulation (Cyber Polygon), similar to covid in regards to the Event 201 simulation. The power grid will be disabled and digital financial assets will be inaccessible during this time. The WEF & other transnational globalist NGOs are trying to intentionally collapse the western world and create a global government. These globalist elites, who nobody voted in, meet behind closed doors to make long-term decisions for the entire world without your say. They have more capital than you could possibly imagine and they’ve already compromised politicians and infiltrated various federal agencies in the western world to destroy us from the inside out. This is what’s commonly referred to as “the deep state”.

More information to be found on WEF’s own website, the inevitable cyberattack:

Репост из: Southern Nationalist
From what I've seen, jews are behind a lot of things I don't like. They want to keep me from eating meat, have me live in a pod, flood my country with illegal aliens, teach these illegals and other non-Whites to hate me, take away my guns, make me drive an electric car, teach my grandchildren to hate themselves by teaching them Critical Race Theory, take away my rights because I have "White privilege," and now, today, on the 4th of July weekend, they want to take away my air conditioning. Well, I have something I want. I want every god-damned (and I am not taking the Lord's name in vain here, just describing the status of the jews) jew in this country to leave and go to Israel or, skipping that, straight to their father in hell. Two can play this game. Long live my people and long live my native Dixie!

Репост из: /pol/ 4chan
📝 308 replies

Germany already considering social credit system

>In a study commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Education, one of six future scenarios is the introduction of a social point system based on the Chinese model. Jobs and study places then depend on social commitment and a small ecological footprint.
>The point is that every person receives an individual social score, which should play a decisive role in the allocation of jobs or university places, for example. It is a social point system, as it is currently being tested in China.
>The paper by the Federal Ministry of Education states: “For certain behavior, points can be collected in the point system operated by the state (e.g. volunteering, caring for relatives, organ donations, old-age provision, traffic behavior, carbon footprint). In addition to social recognition, collecting points also has [...]

Репост из: Thor Dunsten
Nothing scares the enemy more than white people who are proud talking to each other. Nothing.

Welcome friends. Nothing can stop us. Time to rise up

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