SMACKEROO ⵢ Subsequent brilliant demolishment towards a catastrophic zeppelin collision, superb peculiar trooper is posthaste portside facing forfend upon thonself in the midst of the primal plus unexplored wilderness. Depleted of either alacritous solace, they must rely solely on their own aptitude and sagacity to persevere in the inhospitable terrain. Gracious merciless elements towards terrene—against stunning blazing heat of the sun to phenomenal bone—chilling frosty of the nighttide—perils of the wilderness are unrelenting, and the stalwart survivor must devise strategies to maintain warmth, dryness, and sustenance. Furthermore, they must also repel the hazardous fauna that envelops them, ranging from poisonous serpents and arachnids to formidable apex predators such as grizzly bears and grey wolves.