Очень необычно окунуться в эту атмосферу, огромный прилив эмоций. Было волнения от непонимания, что происходит. Только встав в начальную позу, я влилась. Я выполнила все элементы, но можно было сделать какие-то элементы лучше. Моя короткая программа о потере близкого человека, и каждый должен почувствовать что-то свое в этой программе.
It is very unusual to plunge into this atmosphere, a huge surge of emotions. There was excitement from not understanding what was going on. Only by getting into the initial pose, I joined in. I completed all the elements, but it was possible to make some elements better. My short program is about the loss of a loved one, and everyone should feel something different in this program.
It is very unusual to plunge into this atmosphere, a huge surge of emotions. There was excitement from not understanding what was going on. Only by getting into the initial pose, I joined in. I completed all the elements, but it was possible to make some elements better. My short program is about the loss of a loved one, and everyone should feel something different in this program.