Andy Heasman

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Категория: Политика
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Ирландия, Английский
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I am now collecting as many books as possible throughout Ireland if you want to help and get involved let me know. Let's have a fire

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In this video, we expose the disturbing content found in What’s the T? by Juno Dawson, a book that pushes harmful ideas onto children from promoting inappropriate sexual behaviors, online dating, and puberty blockers, to erasing womanhood by undermining women's rights and safe spaces. These dangerous ideologies have no place in children's lives. Join us as we take a stand to protect kids and safeguard the dignity of women. Share this video and help us demand the removal of harmful content from our libraries.

If you'd like to support our mission, please consider donating at rel='nofollow'> Your help will enable us to continue fighting for the protection of children and women’s rights.

#SovereignVoyage #ProtectChildhood @highlight

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In this video, we expose the alarming promotion of hormone treatments in Trans Mission by Alex Bertie, a book aimed at young teens. With no real warnings about the life-altering dangers of estrogen and testosterone, this book encourages children to make irreversible decisions that can lead to infertility, health complications, and deep regret. We dive into how these hormones are being pushed as a quick fix, without considering the long-term impact on developing bodies. Join us as we reveal the truth and take a stand to protect children from this harmful content.

If you’d like to help our mission move forward, please consider donating at rel='nofollow'> and support our cause.

#SovereignVoyage #ProtectChildhood @highlight

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In this video, we expose the dangerous content in Trans Teen Survival Guide, which encourages young teens to make irreversible decisions about hormone treatments, surgeries like top surgery and phalloplasty, and even using dating apps—all without adequately warning them about the serious risks involved. Shockingly, these books are readily available on library shelves for children, promoting life-altering choices and putting them at risk of exploitation and lifelong consequences. To support our mission in protecting childhood, please consider donating at rel='nofollow'>

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Join us live as we head into Castlebar Library to serve a Child Protection Notice. This library is providing inappropriate materials to children as young as 10 years old, and we're here to take action. Please like and share this post to raise awareness and help protect childhood. If you’re able to support the cause, donations can be made via Revolut: rel='nofollow'> Together, we can make a difference.

#SovereignVoyage #ProtectChildhood @highlight

Our sovereign Voyage might be over for this year but that won't stop us continuing our work and serving protection notices where Childhood is being harmed, so our sovereign voyage continues every day not just on rivers but whatever way possible, so watch out because we are only getting started. We have our targets who are at the top of the book list who are promoting inappropriate material to children and we won't stop until every child in Ireland is safe from these sadistic ideologies.

#SovereignVoyage #ProtectChildhood

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The Sovereign Voyage to Protect Childhood: A Mission Across Ireland
S3 E4 – The Final Episode of This Year’s Voyage

Join us in the last installment of this year's Sovereign Voyage, S3 E4, as we embark on an unforgettable journey across Ireland, standing up for the protection of childhood and exposing harmful content hidden within libraries. From Portumna to Bannagher and Scariff, we’ve served Child Protection Notices, faced abandoned posts, and even recovered our stolen boat.

This may be the final episode of this year’s Sovereign Voyage, but our work continues every day, working to protect childhood. If you believe in our mission and want to support the cause, please consider donating at rel='nofollow'> Every contribution makes a difference, and together, we can keep moving forward, one library, one action, one victory at a time.

Thank you for your support!


#SovereignVoyage #ProtectChildhood

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Public schools 2024.

If you want to save your child then homeschooling is the only answer.

Like share and follow our mission.

#SovereignVoyage #ProtectChildhood

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Sovereign Voyage to Protect Childhood

In this episode, we confront a new challenge: books like Perfectly Normal, available to children as young as 10, containing explicit content that doesn’t belong on their library shelves. It’s time to take a stand, and we’re starting by serving Child Protection Notices to libraries across the country.

Watch as we serve Longford Library with a Child Protection Notice and see their surprising reaction—including pulling a fire alarm to try and interrupt our efforts. But we’re undeterred. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be hitting the road, serving notices in town after town.

This is a call to action! Like, share, and follow our page to support the movement, and if you can’t join us in person, consider donating through our Revolut link: rel='nofollow'> to keep this mission afloat. Together, we can make sure that every child’s right to a safe and innocent childhood is respected. Tune in, get involved, and help us turn the tide!

We have received a letter from Offaly County Council in response to our Child Protection Notice delivered to Banagher Library. We are making this acknowledgment public as part of our commitment to protecting children. This marks a positive step forward in communication with libraries, demonstrating progress in our efforts.

#SovereignVoyage #ProtectChildhood

🚩Heads up! Govt representatives have actively discussed the potential to override the wishes of a parent to opt out of SPHE/RSE by attempting to frame comprehensive sexuality ed as a child’s human right that supersedes the Constitutional rights of parents.

Репост из: Lawyers For Justice Ireland Official
Dr. Ross Canade, the lead child psychologist at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, has pleaded guilty to grooming a 15-year-old boy for sex. He was caught in an online sting operation by a group of commendable and heroic paedophile hunters. Shockingly, he has not been given a custodial sentence and remains free to practise.

Let us not forget that in 2023, it was reported that almost 240 Irish children had been referred to Tavistock, a significant number of whom were autistic. That year, 72 more remained on the waiting list. Tavistock has now been shut down in disgrace, and yet there is no accountability as yet for the actions of the HSE and Department Of Health.

Stephen Donnelly failed to shut down the referrals, despite having been repeatedly warned about the serious safety and welfare risks to vulnerable children, as well as Tavistock's highly controversial and questionable practices.

The HSE defended its position and "relationship" with Tavistock.

NEVER FORGET what they have done...

Public Statement for Parents:

We are urging all parents and concerned individuals to visit their local libraries and check for the following books in the children’s section "young adults": It's Perfectly Normal, What’s the T, This Book is Gay, and Transmission. These books contain explicit content that is not suitable for young children, including the promotion of gender dysphoria, abortion, and graphic imagery. We are deeply concerned about the impact of this material on young minds.

Please check your library, take note if these books are present, and contact us immediately. We are working to serve legal protection notices to libraries and expose what is happening in these spaces. Your vigilance is crucial to help protect our children from inappropriate content.

Thank you for standing with us. Share your findings with a statement and picture to support the cause.

For further action, reach out to us directly, and we will help bring awareness and accountability.

#SovereignVoyage #ProtectChildhood

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This video uncovers the disturbing content within Perfectly Normal, a book being given to children as young as 10. From explicit depictions of sexual content to promoting a culture that devalues life and family, this book poses a serious threat to the innocence and well-being of our children. It normalizes dangerous ideas around abortion and irresponsibility, undermining the values that strengthen families.

We need your help to protect childhood. Get involved in our mission, and if you can't take action directly, please consider supporting us through a donation. You can donate via Revolut to Andy Heaman at rel='nofollow'> Together, we can stand up for what's right.

#SovereignVoyage #ProtectChildhood

We are in a critical fight for our children and the future of our families. Indoctrination is sweeping through our schools, libraries, and bookshops, creating division within homes. Children are being forced to face confusing and life-altering decisions far too young, without the guidance and support of their families. Teachers and institutions, once trusted to educate, are now overstepping their roles, becoming the decision-makers in our children’s lives. As a result, children are being alienated from their own parents, driven into emotional isolation.

This dangerous trend is taking a tragic toll—children, lost in confusion, are undergoing irreversible treatments to "transition," only to find themselves in despair. Many are turning to suicide, and the death tolls continue to rise at an alarming rate. This is nothing less than a culture of death, preying on the most vulnerable among us. We must take a stand now, protect our children, and restore the role of the family. The future depends on it.

Protect Childhood at all costs. They need us now more than ever.

#SovereignVoyage #ProtectChildhood

Every so-called "national party" is only concerned with themselves and their own egos. You won't see them taking the actions that truly matter. None of them will stand up for our children by visiting libraries, vaccine centers, or actively defending childhood. Instead, their focus is on bricks and mortar, doing just enough to secure your vote.

They'll lead you to believe they're addressing the pressing issues, all while our youth is being destroyed by the encroaching influence of a one-world government right before our eyes. Very few are willing to take the necessary steps. Waving flags or posing for photos at protests won't bring about real change. They claim they'd give their lives, yet complied with every directive during the lockdown.

Our children need us now—immediate, concrete action is required, not participation in rigged elections. This is why I refuse to engage in politics: because I'm doing more right now than all of these national parties combined. All they offer is empty talk. They believe they can win without true faith in God, yet they’re complicit in a one-world religion.

A SCHOOL pupil has been allowed to identify as a wolf in the first case of its kind in Scotland.

It's understood the youngster is suffering from "species dysphoria", a condition where the person feels their body is part of the wrong species.

Read the full story here:

Protect Childhood

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