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BACK IN 2011

One of the hopeful things that I’ve discovered is that nearly every war that has started in the past fifty years has been a result of media lies. The media could have stopped it if they’d searched deep enough. If they hadn’t reprinted government propaganda, they could have stopped it. But what does that mean? Well, that means basically populations don’t like wars and populations have to be fooled into wars. Populations don’t willingly and with open eyes go into a war. So if we have a good media environment then you will also have a peaceful environment. Our number one enemy is ignorance ..
Now, question is who is promoting ignorance? Well, those organizations that try to keep things secret and those organizations which distort true information to make it false or misrepresentative. In this latter category it is bad media. The result is we see wars and we see corrupt governments continue on.

Julian Assange WikiLeaks

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Do you know why we need 5G coverage everywhere? It's needed to create a prison for the whole planet. So you can't hide anywhere. So that AI can find you and kill you. It can be stopped. Now!

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John Young from Apollo 12 was asked to put his hand on the Bible and swear if he was really on the moon. See for yourself how he reacted.

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It has begun. The human meat project, or cannibalism. First they legalise paedophilia, now cannibalism. Tell the people! Wake up!

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They lied so people Died. European MEP, Cristian Terhes explaines. Crimes against Humanity.

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This violates the fundamental principles of democracy and freedom. Information on vital issues is being withheld from the people, at the same time as people are being forced to take part in a medical experiment, people are being deprived of their freedom and forced to risk their health and even their lives. European MEP, Cristian Terhes explaines. Crimes against Humanity.

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Malcolm Roberts speaks at Nigel Farage Brisbane.
Government wants to tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel.
We must oppose this new dystopia at every turn.

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About DeepFake

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David Icke talks about the globalists' plans. The video was recorded more than 20 years ago in 1998. Many of his predictions have come true or are being realised today. A man who can predict events twenty years in advance is worth listening to.
There is an excellent interview on London Real in which Brian Rose interviews David Icke. The interview series covers the pandemic, the virus, the lockdown, the affair and the new world order.

#icke #covid #covid19 #pandemic #virus

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Clinton Eugene Curtis is a computer programmer.
UNDER OATH he admits he wrote a programme to rig an election and nobody would have been able to notice it.

Clinton Eugene Curtis, testifies that he made the software (probably used to rigg the 2004 election). He explains in detail regarding being hired by Congressman Tom Feeney in 2000 to build a prototype software package that would secretly rig an election to sway the result 51 / 49 to a specified side to flip flop the election in favor of who they want to win.

And they say elections can’t be rigged with an algorithm? Really? Do an internet search for yourselves and type in his name.

#rig #elections #vote #fraud

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SHOTS: Eugenics to Pandemics
to Toxic Vaccines Genocide - History Documentary. A film by John Potash. Please Like, Share and Subscribe! It's Time For Everyone To Wake Up!

#movie #documentary

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5 миллиардов вакцинированных во всем мире. И вдруг они умирают. Это крупнейшее организованное вымирание в истории мира. Мы боремся за сердца и умы людей.
Сеть Стью Питерса с гордостью представляет фильм "Внезапная смерть", созданный удостоенными наград режиссерами. Мэтью Сков и Николас Штумфаузер.
Они - создатели фильмов WATCH THE WATER и THESE LITTLE ONES, и теперь у них есть шанс раскрыть правду о крупнейшем массовом геноциде в истории человечества.

#фильм #документальныйфильм

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Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

#movie #documentary

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Вышел полнометражный документальный фильм Дейна Вигингтона (Dane Wigington):
THE DIMMING, о климатической инженерии. рад объявить о выпуске нашего новаторского документального фильма, который убедительно раскрывает существование глобальных операций по вмешательству в погодные условия. Глобальные инженерные погодные операции стали реальностью. Тестирование атмосферных частиц, проведенное, теперь доказало, что затянувшиеся, расширяющиеся следы реактивных самолетов, которые так часто видны в нашем небе, не являются просто конденсатом, как нам официально сказали. Кто отвечает за выполнение этих программ? Каковы будут последствия, если будут разрешены операции по геоинженерии / управлению солнечным излучением? Документальный фильм THE DIMMING даст ответы на эти и многие другие вопросы. Это наиболее полный документальный фильм, посвященный инженерным климатическим операциям.

#фильм #документальныйфильм

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Senator Ron Johnson “it’s insane to take a vaccine that does not prevent infection or stop transmission.” Military mandates should be dropped.

#covid19 #covid

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There is a real story behind all of this, I happen to be there actually uh 32 years ago 33 years ago because I was an economic advisor to the economic team of Gorbachev actually and in 1990 Gorbachev wanted to end the Cold War he wanted to end the Soviet military Alliance the so-called Warsaw Pact alliance Germany wanted to reunify your helmet coal wanted to reunify Germany and they discussed this and it was very clear. The U.S and Germany said to Gorbachev if you dissolve the Warsaw Pact and the Cold War and Germany reunifies NATO WILL NOT MOVE ONE INCH EASTWARD and that was the basic premise that we're actually going to get beyond the Cold War and explicitly the languages were not going to take advantage of your actions so we're not going to substitute our military power in the places where you pull back.

#war #ukraine #crimea #coldwar #soovietunion #NATO

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В последнем историческом интервью режиссер и музыкальный промоутер Аарон Руссо подробно рассказывает об инсайдерской информации, которую ему предоставил член семьи Рокфеллеров. Еще до 11 сентября Руссо был проинформирован о планах по организации террористических атак, вторжении в иностранные государства и запуске высокотехнологичной системы контроля полицейского государства, которая будет отслеживать каждый шаг населения с помощью вживляемых микрочипов RFID.

Эта насыщенная информацией презентация наполнена невиданными ранее кадрами. На протяжении всего фильма Алекс Джонс рассказывает о последних действиях Нового мирового порядка и о том, как они связаны с тем, что предсказал Руссо.

Аарон объясняет, как элита создала движение за освобождение женщин, чтобы разрушить семью и обложить налогом работающих женщин. Руссо раскрывает обман демократии, которая является ничем иным, как правлением толпы, гарантированно приводящим к тирании.

#movie #documentary

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Sometimes it's best to get the plans for the New World Order directly from the mouth of the planners. Aaron Russo, a Hollywood film producer who also made the Freedom to Fascism documentary on the Federal Reserve and the IRS, interviewed Nicholas Rockefeller before Russo passed away in August of 2007. Rockefeller admits the plans to implant microchips in the population. He also explains how the Rockefellers planned and executed the feminist movement, and why.

Episode from Zietgeist movie
#movie #documentary

Показано 18 последних публикаций.


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