LUNATIC SKHETSA @Skhetsa │th 'potentate of the universe
│a ray of hopefulness and being
│ for humankind
│ th 'orb of night, a beauteous
│eyes and the majesty goddess
... ⚝ th 'stars are scattered in the celestial sphere, the luminous shimmering illuminates the universe. th 'orb of night with their glorioues shiny illuminate the universe. a ray of hopefulness and being for humankind. hair glistening resembling diamonds, she's th 'goddess of the universe. the potentate of the universe. a beauteous eyes resembling precious gem. controlling governt the concord and peacefulness of th 'univers. any lunar period's a form of the lunatic, the potentate of the universe. eternally bless and bestow love to humankind with the luminous of hopefulness.
skhetsa's part of lunatic, the majesty of the depiction of the most wondrous goddess art. bring the blessings of the goddess to you
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