Репост из: @IceQued
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So we staked out the local Extended Stay America today. I don't have it all pieced together yet, but long story short, a man attempted to traffic us a baby.
In the first part you'll see the point man directing traffic to and from. Two woman also pulled up at this time and took a child inside who was clearly drugged.
10 minutes later a man holding a baby came out this side door. The point man had been watching us the whole time. I told my gf this guy is trying to market this baby to us and sure as shit he walked up to the window of my truck. I rolled the window down and he mumbled something and I said no thanks. I honestly didn't know what to do. We were in shock. Seeing the baby's face stopped us dead in our tracks. I can't explain it.
Within 20 mins, everything we've been showing you just came full circle. All the Q's were there. Cones, dog walkers, hotels, etc. I'll do a more in depth video at some point, but I want to get more material. Shit just got real folks...
In the first part you'll see the point man directing traffic to and from. Two woman also pulled up at this time and took a child inside who was clearly drugged.
10 minutes later a man holding a baby came out this side door. The point man had been watching us the whole time. I told my gf this guy is trying to market this baby to us and sure as shit he walked up to the window of my truck. I rolled the window down and he mumbled something and I said no thanks. I honestly didn't know what to do. We were in shock. Seeing the baby's face stopped us dead in our tracks. I can't explain it.
Within 20 mins, everything we've been showing you just came full circle. All the Q's were there. Cones, dog walkers, hotels, etc. I'll do a more in depth video at some point, but I want to get more material. Shit just got real folks...