another world man

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
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Daily notes

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Репост из: Tatespeech
Never speak to losers.

Don’t try to help them, don’t encourage them.

Ignore them and let them die.

They are absolutely zero value to you ever.

When you need them they won’t be there.

If they will give up on the life of their dreams, they will give up on you.

Репост из: focus
👥4billion men and only
🏎️500 Bugatti Chirons !

❤️‍🔥Isn’t this motivating enough?


You are what you think about

Everything that you think about, you become. Thoughts lead to actions. Actions lead to behaviors. Behaviors lead to lifestyle.
Lifestyle determines your destiny. So, everything begins in the mind. If you can control and wield your mind, you can very much determine your destiny

Control your mind and control your destiny!

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A few month ago, i watched this video on instagram. At that time i was truly depressed and starting to feel like my dream of going to the USA would remain just a dream. Then this video suddenly popped up on my reels, and i cried after watching it. The meaning of this video was perfectly suited to my situation. It has a deep meaning if you understand. I saved the video and recently, I found it again. Now my jaw has dropped… cuz it’s absolutely true.

If you have a goal, first trust in Allah and do your best to achieve it. Just try your best and leave the rest to Allah. It is simple formula. I have mentioned one quote before
click. Allah knows what you are doing and will reward you with best thing even more than you desire.

Soatlarni isrof qilishdan qo’rqib, yillarni isrof qilib yuboramiz. (Amos Tverskiy)

Biror narsani boshlashdan oldin o’ylab ko’rib, research qilib yoki maslahat olamasdan turib boshlab yuboramiz va yillarimiz isrof bo’ladi.

Hamma IELTS o’qiyotgan bo’lsa biz ham o’qishni boshlaymiz yoki kimdir falon universitetga kirgan bo’lsa unga qiziqib o’qishni xohlaymiz. Kasb tanlashda ham o’tirib, 3-4 soat o’ylab ko’rmasdan o’zimizni o’sha sohaga uramiz. Birorta qizni chiroyiga uchib tezda uylanib olib keyin butun umr afsuslanib yurish ham mumkin.

Aslida shuni ozgina research qilib ko’rsak nima to’g’ri nima noto’g’ri ekanligi bilar edik. O’zi bu narsa menga mos keladimi? Ertaga nima bo’ladi? Bu ishdan menga nima foyda? degan savollarni o’zimizga bersak yillarni isrof qilmagan bo’lar edik.

Bu xolat menda ham ko’p uchraydi. Xattoki daqiqalarni isrof qilishdan qo’rqib, soatlarni isrof qilib yuboramiz. You Tube da chiqqan yangi videoni tap bosib yuborib soatlarni yo’qotib qo’yamiz. Instagramga shunchaki tekshirish uchun kirib soatlab qolib ketamiz. Biror kim bilan keraksiz mavzu ustida soatlab gaplashib qolib ketamiz

Biror ishni qilishdan ozgina o’ylash sizni qimmatli vaqtingizni saqlab qolishga yordam beradi.

Inspired by ©️Aziz Rahimov

I am just wondering how instagram knows your feelings or the things that you want or thinking about. When i am thinking about something whether it is a video, person or a special situation, instagram is automatically showing me the exact same content. I think they have some secrets that we never know. Their techniques is far more above what we know. That’s why it is getting your time so easily!

Hard work pays off

Dreams definitely come true

You should be hungry all of the time

You are an animal. Do not forget that you exist in two realms simultaneously as an individual. You exist with your evolutionary biological makeup as an animal and also societal version which has been constructed or different things but as an animal your body is designed to perform at best while you are hungry because you are supposed to be hunting for food. If you are full of food, you are gonna be lazy and lethargic. You should always be a hungry!

Place doesn’t matter

Some people say, i will be successful and rich if go to the US, Germany or Korea. I will be different person or the problems will gone but actually no matter which place you are, you will be the same person and you cannot escape your reality.

If you are lazy and procrastinator, you will be exact same person in anywhere. The place cannot change real you or your behavior.

I also thought like that before but now i realize that the only thing that can help me to change my life is ME!

Never go into grocery store when you are hungry because you may grab the wrong thing

Never go into relationship when you feel lonely, you may choose the wrong person

Quality is more than quantity

Especially when it comes to friends


real eyes
real lies


Health is the most important thing in your life cuz if you are sick or disable, there is nothing you can do. You are unable to do something, you cannot reach your dreams and everything is impossible. Health was given to you by Allah and you should know how lucky you are. You have eyes, you have hands, legs, you can speak, you can listen. Be thankful and realize not everyone have these things.


Sometimes you really really wanna go to somewhere to escape from all the problems. You feel lonely and depressed. You realize that there is no one to help and support you, no one can understand your situation except from Allah. Then you push yourself and start trusting only Allah and move towards your dreams.

Never sleep until you will reach your dreams

You say you are tired?

Who cares, who cares if you tired or not

With you or without you there is always gonna be champions

With your name? This is your choice

You have to suffer

Restrict the things that you really want to do

Do the things that you don’t want to do

And then you can learn how to control yourself


Hozir kimdir bizdan 10 yil orqaga qaytib qolsang nima qilarding deb so'rashsa, men boshqacha yo'l tutgan bo'lar edim, aslida xato qilgan ekanman yokida buni qilmasdim deb javob beramiz. 10 yil keyin ham shu savolni berishsa, o'sha payt yosh bo'lgan ekaman, noto'g'ri ish qilibman deb yana shu javobni beramiz. Demak biz qilgan qilgan ishlar hammasi xatomi? Yo'q aslida xatosiz narsani o'zi yo'q. Mukammal ish bo'lmaydi. Xato qilish tabiiy bo’lsa xato qilishdan qo'rqishga xojat yo'q. "Dux" ni oshirib qilmoqchi bo'lgan ishimizni boshlashimiz kerak.

Репост из: Aziz Rahimov
“O’zi aqlli-ku, lekin dangasa”.

Ota-onalar o’qimaydigan farzandlariga eng ko’p beradigan ta’rif.

Kattalar orasida ham - aqlli, dangasalar uchrab turadi. Istalgan mavzuda fikri bor. Bir nimani qoyillatmagan.

Do’stlar, aqllilik va dangasalik bitta odamda yig’ilmaydi.

Putin aytganidek, hammamiz dangasamiz)

Aqlli odam, dangasaligini yenga olgan odam.

Aqlli odam, o’sha aqlini ishlatib, bir nima qila olgan odam.

Dangasalikka yengilgan, o’yin kulgiga berilganlarda - haqiqiy aqlni ko’ra olmaymiz.

Yo’qotilgan dahoning aqliy qoldiqlari sezilib turadi, xolos.


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