@PARKJlSUNNG🎀 : aji trying to mooch off of sean's wifi and jokingly putting their own name in as the password, then being shocked that it actually works and they're now connected to sean's wifi... + bawah + ur personality
🌷 : kerenn, cwk kul bett + kamu kayak cowoku ya? + ngeselinn, tapi lucu juga dolanya pacar akuu, aji kayak jamet tapi aku ttp cintak😍😍
🌸 : 9/10 lucuukkk soalnya kopelan + i love you + 💕😘😘
🧚♀ : fuck, merry, kiss, hug + date + kelonan di kamar sampe mampus
🩰 : renjun (aku sendiri) + bubbie + bawah
💒 : bawah + bawah + bawah
🐇 : you should marry me + "aku mencintaimu. itu sebabnya aku takkan pernah selesai mendoakan keselamatanmu" + because you are perfect, and you are a strong human being that god created to be a great person in the future