Happy 5th anniversary for my beloved girl, BLACKPINK. Hereby congratulate real-life BLACKPINK on their 5th anniversary as well as all the role players who used blackpink as a visual, especially for:
Zio, Sebielle, Anya, Leizora, Chéllin, Roséanne, Annastasya, Lawccipa, Marié, Queenie, Zhalerie, Réshya, Gemala, Nanami, Willéna, Lorraine, Rogesha, Nayaa, Piyula, Acha, Rosemary, Kaichiley, Yeshaya, Amocel Devosa, Salvatrice, Japiel, Clementine, and Feliciea.
Wishing you all the best for this special day. May God bless you!
Best regards, Niew.