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📘: چشمهایش.۱۶
✍: بزرگ علوی
🎙: شیرین فرهادی

📘: قهوه سرد آقای نویسنده.۱۹
✍: روزبه معین
🎙:شیرین فرهادی



How not to Get robbed in the street

1.You dramatically increase your chances of being robbed if you look as if you might have a lot of money on you. You don't have to look like a tramp( a poor person), but you should try to look as if you aren't carrying much of value. If you are a tourist, keep your expensive camera or phone hidden.
2.This is especially true in countries where there are big income differences, and particularly in urban areas. Children are sadly often the most dangerous people on the street because they have nothing to lose. If you see a group of children coming towards you, ignore them completely and walk quickly to an area where there are plenty of other people.
3. If you see that people are watching you in a suspicious way, look straight back at them and make eye contact. If they are thinking of rubbing you, it will make them realize that you are not an easy target.
4. If you're a tourist and somebody in the street tells you to put your phone away, do it. Sometimes the locals can be overprotective( so anxious to protect someone) because they want you to see the best side of their town, but it's always be a good idea to take their advice. If they say don't go somewhere, don't.
5. The safest thing to do is to phone a reputable company every time you need one. If you do have to get a taxi in the street, make sure it looks like a regulated one(e.g. one which has an official number or company phone number on it) and never ever get into a cab( taxi) that has another person in the front passenger seat.
6. What's the first thing tourists do when they come out of Westminster Tube station in London? They look up at Big Ben, and they pose to have their photo taken. When they're looking up, or looking at the camera, that's the moment when a pickpocket steals their wallet. Thieves also love the posters you see that warn tourists:" whatch out!! Pickpockets about!!" When men read their natural reaction is to immediately put their hand on the pocket where their wallet is, to make sure it's still there. The pickpockets are watching and so they see exactly where the man is carrying his wallet.

Now match the headings to the paragraphs.
A. Be careful when you're sightseeing
B. Be smart about cabs
C. Don't look too well off
D. Keep an eye on the kids
E. Listen to the locals
F. Look confident

These are the answers
Read the text again.Then cover answers.Can you remember the advice? What advice would you give someone to avoid being robbed in your town?


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✍شیرین فرهادی


📘: چشمهایش.۱۵
✍: بزرگ علوی
🎙: شیرین فرهادی

📘: قهوه سرد آقای نویسنده.۱۸
✍: روزبه معین
🎙:شیرین فرهادی



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