Why Did the Scholars of the Salaf (Righteous Predecessors), Author Books of Refutation ?◾️
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم
📤 Benefit from the Shaykh Abu Ibraaheem Muhammad Maani' Al'Aanisi - may Allaah preserve him:
"This knowledge is religion, so look carefully into those whom you acquire it from."
Why did the scholars of the Salaf (righteous predecessors), may Allaah have mercy on them, Author books of refutation?
The scholars of the Salaf authored books of refutation for two reasons: The first is to prove and manifest the correctness of the beliefs of the Righteous Predecessors, and the second is to explain corrupt beliefs and refute their proponents.
You, repeat what I said. What did I say? I said that the scholars of the Salaf authored books of refutation for two reasons. What is the first reason and the second? Did you write anything? Confine the knowledge by writing.
Go ahead, you...
The student says the answer at the background..
Yes, yes, this is it, this is correct. This book: Saheeh of Imaam Bukhari, whose work is the most authentic compilation of Hadith (prophetic traditions) absolutely without a doubt, authored books refuting the people of innovation (bid'ah).
The chapter Al-Eemaan (Faith), in it is a refutation of whom? The chapter Al-Eemaan in Saheeh Al-Bukhari contains a refutation of the Murji'ah. Shaykh Al-Islaam Ibnu Taymiyyah - may Allaah have mercy on him, as mentioned in Majmoo' Al-Fataawaa, said about the chapter of Al-Eemaan with which Bukhari began his Saheeh with: "He established in it the madhhab (school of thought) of Ahl As-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah (People of the Sunnah and the Group) and included a refutation of the Murji'ah; for he was one of those who upheld and assisted the Sunnah and the Group, the madhhab of the Companions and the tabieen and those who followed them in righteousness."
So, this chapter of Al-Eemaan, is Bukhari's refutation is against whom? Against the Murj'iah.
The chapter of At-Tawheed is a refutation of whom? The book At-Tawheed is a refutation of the Jahmiyyah. Yes, correct.
Okay, the chapter Al-Itisaam bil-Kitaab wa-s-Sunnah (Adherence to the Book and the Sunnah). Scholars say it refutes all the people of desires (deviant beliefs) Al-Itisaam refutes all people of desires (deviant beliefs).
Okay, the chapter on Khabaru Al-Ahaad (singular companion narrations) from Saheeh Al-Bukhari. Khabaru Al-Ahaad refutes whom? It refutes the Mu'tazilah, correct .
Okay, the chapter on the Fada'il as-Sahabah (Virtues of the Companions) is a refutation of whom? It's a refutation of the Rafidah (Shi'a). Correct.
So these books authored by the scholars contain an explanation of the correct creed and a refutation of those with false beliefs. These two things are essential. These two things are essential.
Translated by :
Abu Juwayriyah Nūruddīn ibn Sulaymān حفظه الله
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