The 2012 Olympics show looks pretty creepy under current circumstances. Please note the giant looming pyramids (Atenism, Masonic) looking over zombified nurses worshiping a corpse baby while the Malakh of Death presides over the scene. Creepy af.
Make sure you hit the street at the exact right moment to clap for the NHS nuns. If you don’t, you’ll be reported and the police will drop by to question your thinking. (Do you not see? Making everyone perform an act at the same time each day is a form of conditioning. It’s the same technique used on Muslim prayer time. Conform or you are a heretic).
(Thanks Cigar for the heads up)
Make sure you hit the street at the exact right moment to clap for the NHS nuns. If you don’t, you’ll be reported and the police will drop by to question your thinking. (Do you not see? Making everyone perform an act at the same time each day is a form of conditioning. It’s the same technique used on Muslim prayer time. Conform or you are a heretic).
(Thanks Cigar for the heads up)