Dear B.nuchata, happy to invite you to our AMA today!
Yeah, we are those guys who made you laugh at Moscow bootcamp!
(Check it if you haven't seen, do not make your B.appka angry!)
Today at 17:00 (UTC+3) we will discuss:
👵B.Appkins progress since its first performance
👵Plans for the future
👵Some B.Appkins secrets
WHO is going to talk:
▪️ Алексей Соловьёв — лидер TON Society CIS
▪️ Алексей Торопов — менеджер по развитию TON Society CIS
▪️Пепельный Конус — founder B.AppKa
WHERE it's going to happen:
Telegram, VK, Twitter, and also YouTube or Twitch.
Keep your "ushki na makushke"!
Dear B.nuchata, happy to invite you to our AMA today!
Yeah, we are those guys who made you laugh at Moscow bootcamp!
(Check it if you haven't seen, do not make your B.appka angry!)
Today at 17:00 (UTC+3) we will discuss:
👵B.Appkins progress since its first performance
👵Plans for the future
👵Some B.Appkins secrets
WHO is going to talk:
▪️ Алексей Соловьёв — лидер TON Society CIS
▪️ Алексей Торопов — менеджер по развитию TON Society CIS
▪️Пепельный Конус — founder B.AppKa
WHERE it's going to happen:
Telegram, VK, Twitter, and also YouTube or Twitch.
Keep your "ushki na makushke"!