Cemil Kerimoglu

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Блоги

News and commentary on politics, history and culture. Mostly about, but not limited to, Eastern Europe and Russia.

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Весь мир, Английский
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Репост из: Nicholas R. Jeelvy
To know who's winning the war, we must first understand the war aims of the belligerents.


A very incisive summary of Russia's true aims and deepest desires in Ukraine. And the answer to the question who is actually winning the war.

Russian statehood, even Russian identity, derives its legitimacy from claiming to be the only viable structure for the Slavic realm. In fact, it goes even further than that. Russia claims to represent the only true Christianity, even looking askance towards other Orthodox Christians in Europe. So, an existence of an alternative civilizational pole within the Eastern Slavic realm is unacceptable to Russian self-awareness - this is in fact its death sentence.

However, Russian invasion of Ukraine inadvertently achieved just that. The formation of a determined, focused and heavily armed political entity that represents an alternative - and a better one at that in every respect - to the Muscovite-Russian "proposition" for Eastern Europe.

Ukraine is to Russia what Novgorod Republic was to Muscovy. But differently from Novgorod, Ukraine is much better armed, battle-hardened and better supported by its allies (although the support could - and should - be better, of course).

So, judging by this parameter, which is the single most important one, Ukraine is definitely winning.

The essence of the Russian soul according to AI.

This is the first in a series of articles - the "Turkish Series", in which I explore modern Turkey and how Turkish history and society share a lot of similarities with Russia. This series can also serve as a crash course on modern Turkish history. I hope you enjoy it. So, let's start...

Russians struck Kyiv with ballistic missiles today. Among other places, they hit the beautiful St. Nicholas Church.

While some build, protect, create, and if necessary rebuild, others burn and destroy. The contrast could not be clearer. It's Europe vs anti-Europe. Civlization vs anti-civlization.

Here's a story of a Ukrainian girl who was displaced from Kharkiv and ended up in Paris by relatives/friends. One day, they took her to the Notre Dame Cathedral whose roof was still being rebuilt at the time. They explained to her that it had burnt down and is now being reconstructed.

"Was it also bombed by Russians?", she asked.

Russians are anti-Europe, Russians are anti-civilization, and anti- everything that is noble and beautiful. Russia must cease to exist. The sole existence of this country is an act of terror, its sole existence is evil. Russia must be destroyed, whatever it takes. Rusia delenda est.

Soon after the start of the Russian invasion I said that this war will turn into the foundational myth of the free new Ukraine, of the newly resurgent unique Ukrainian identity. And we begin to witness in real life how memory of this war is already entering the popular culture and influencing the Ukrainian folklore.

Here is the soundtrack of a movie released earlier this year. It's called "The Witch of Konotop". It's based on a 19th century Ukrainian novel, but has been readapted to contemporary events.

In the Sumy region in the northeast of Ukraine there is a place called Konotop famous for its witches. There lives a former witch, who has relinguished her powers and became an ordinary woman. She lives happily with her fiancé and they are planning a happy future together as a family.

But then one day, the tragedy happens - Russians launch their full-scale invasion. Among other places, Russian tanks also enter Konotop. The woman and her fiancé try to escape, but Russian soldiers ambush their car and kill her husband during the escape. The woman survives, but vows revenge. Thus, she re-acquires her magic powers and starts killing Russians. The forests of northeastern Ukraine become their graveyard.

Certainly we will see more of such pieces of Ukrainian popular culture in the future, as memory of this war is engraved into the minds of Ukrainians. And this War of Independence has already become the foundational myth of the new Ukrainian nation.

P.S. Since Russians are being played by Ukrainian actors, it's also refreshing to see them portrayed properly, after so many Hollywood movies where Russian characters speak Russian with a strong accent.


It’s noteworthy that apart from India itself being a strongly pro-Russian country, Indians in the US seem to be among the most odious and rabid anti-Ukrainians - e.g., Vivek Ramaswamy is one notorious example, but also there are many others like this one. It’s as if someone has Indian ancestry in the US, even if he has never lived in India, you can reliably guess that he will be pro-Russian.

Third Worldist ressentimentalism is certainly at play here, but I feel it’s not the only explanation. Because the rabid pro-Russiannes of Indians far eclipses even that of Africans, for example.

In a world with Bangladesh and India, be like Poland and Sweden.

Applies not only to the tsars, but to the whole bureaucracy, intellectual elites and those responsible for the whole infrastructure. Petrine Russia of the 18th and 19th centuries and what came to be known as the “Russian Culture” was essentially a German creation. It was a Pseudomorphosis - the superimposition of European cultural forms onto a populace that was alien to them.

If anyone should be proud of the “Russian Culture” and the achievements of that period, it’s actually the German people, not the Russians. But sadly, due to that artificial Europeanization that occurred in the 19th century, later to be reversed by the Bolshevik Revolution, Europeans fall under the illusion that Russians are one of them.

The true Russia is not Russian Ballet or the architectural splendour of St. Petersburg - they are not the accomplishments of the Russian people. The true Russia is the massacres of Bucha and Izyum, destruction of Mariupol, and the rapes, tortures, murders, beheadings, castrations of Ukrainians.

Hey dissident Right, the wannabe “free thinkers”, or however you view yourselves. This is the Russia - “saviour of the West”, the “guardian of traditional values” for you.

A representative of African delegation that visited a WW2 memorial in Russia, exultedly states that Africa owes Russia and that it is high time to stand with Russia. Moreover, he exclaims that “Russians are not alone”, and that “1.4 billion Africans are with Russia”.

Also just to make it clear, what “WW2 memorial” means in the Russian context is the veneration of the savage barbarians, the rapists, murderers, looters that invaded Europe in 1945 and committed atrocities against Europeans comparable in savagery only to the Mongolian invasion of the Middle Ages. Russians venerate those evil savages as the “Veterans of the Great Patriotic War” and this veneration has a cult-like, mythic nature in Russia. Any criticism of this essentially anti-European, anti-white cult of the “Great Patriotic War” is met with unrelenting hysteria.

Since shedding its artificial European veneer with Bolshevik Revolution, Russia has been on the crusade against the West and at the vanguard of Third Worldist ressentiment against European Civilization. Moreover, deep inside, for Russians World War 2 represents a Crusade against the hated West, and its cult-like memory, together with Russia’s overtures towards the Global South are part and parcel of this Jihad that Russia has been waging against the West for more than a century. Putin’s Russia is just the natural continuation of this process, representing the deepest longings and true, organic nature of the Russian populace.

Russians are not European; never were and never will be. And regardless of their genetic heritage, for all intents and purposes, they cannot be considered white. Russia is the deadliest enemy of Europe. Russia is anti-Europe. Russia is the enemy of the white race. Every Westerner should be aware of this.

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The prerequisite to world peace and prosperity is for Russia to stop existing. It may not be a sufficient precondition, but certainly a necessary one.

Russia must be desintegrated, broken up into 40+ independent states. On its place there should be - and will be - independent Ingria, Karelia, Königsberg, Novgorod Republic, Pskov Republic, Smolensk Republic, Ural Republic, Siberian Republic, Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, Yakutia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Buryatia, Tuva, Kalmykia, Chuvashia and more…

The “Russia proper” must be reduced to its natural boundaries - i.e., to the borders of the Grand Duchy of Moscow (Muscovy) of the 15th century. Just like, for example, the Ottoman Empire was reduced to the borders of present-day Turkey.

Whatever you do in your lives never lose sight of the fact that Russia must be destroyed. Rusia delenda est.

Every American must see this and be aware of the intentions Russians harbor towards their country. This especially applies to all Russia sympathizers.

The sole existence of Russia is a grave danger to civilized humanity. And it’s not even about Russia directly attacking any other Western country. Even if Russia doesn’t invade, it will continue to sow confusion, manipulate and destroy our societies from within. It will continue spreading its asinine lies, the narratives that defy common sense but sadly find fertile ground among the naive parts of the population.

And this is the main harm that Russia does to civilization - not necessarily direct physical attack, but sowing confusion and degrading our societies from within. In fact, this is even far more destructive than direct invasion.

The sole existence of Russia is an act of terror. Russia is cancer that needs to be excised before it metastasizes beyond control. Russia needs to be denuclearized, demilitarized and broken up into 40+ independent states.

I wrote this piece more than a year ago. But it remains as timely as ever. In fact, the issue has become even more relevant during this time. I am therefore republishing it with slight modifications.

"Thus, the military help that United States is now providing to Ukraine is not charity, and primarily not even an investment, but an OBLIGATION. Both moral and contractual. An obligation that United States had been reneging on since 2014 already and is still, in fact, underdelivering. Somehow, the opponents of supporting Ukraine, especially those in the dissident Right and the far-Left, conveniently ignore this basic fact - either out of ignorance or outright malice. As an alternative, if they don’t want American taxpayer money to be “funneled to Ukraine”, and have any trace of moral integrity, then they should advocate for giving back to Ukraine its nuclear weapons, which it had to renounce with the pressure of THEIR government back in 1994. That would at least be a principled position. And frankly, it would solve all the problems immediately. Upon re-acquiring its nuclear status Ukraine surely will not need any military help anymore.

Moving forward, it would be only fair to allow Ukraine to re-instate its nuclear status. No security “guarantees” can trump the possession of nuclear weapons. There’s no better insurance, there’s no better security guarantee than a nuclear deterrent. One that Ukraine had been forced to renounce and which, given the new extreme circumstances, it should be allowed to re-claim. The Ukrainian government must, at the very least, make it part of the bargain during the peace negotiation process after the war.

This could be achieved, for example, by simply allowing Ukraine to develop its own nuclear weapons, and providing some materials if needed (all of this happening in secret, if necessary), although Ukraine possesses all the necessary infrastructure and expertise to develop nuclear weapons on its own. This would ensure Ukraine has its own Samson Option, which would serve as a reliable deterrent against any future Russian aggression.

Alternatively, in best case scenario, it can be demanded that Russia transfer at least a portion of its nuclear arsenal to Ukraine, as part of reparations. The rest being of course dismantled. Or, the new republics that could potentially separate from Russia and form their own independent states would transfer their nuclear arsenal to Ukraine. This would effectively prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, something that the United States and other Western nations were so afraid of when they pressured Ukraine in the early 90s. Post-Soviet and post-Russian nuclear arsenal would still be concentrated in one place. Just instead of Russia, it would be possessed by Ukraine, its rightful owner. Something that should have been done back in 1994.

Ukraine, a civilized Western nation, who paid with its blood to become part of the West, unlike Russia, would use its nuclear status to protect Western interests, not to endanger them. Moreover, it can serve as the security guarantor of the newly emerged independent post-Russian states. This would be especially important in light of the threat of Chinese expansion and potential revanchist encroachments from what would possibly remain of imperial Russia."

The Infamous Budapest Memorandum - by Cemil Kerimoglu

The real victory is when there is no Russia anymore. The real lasting peace will come when Russia is denuclearized, demilitarized, de-Putinized and broken into 40 independent states, each with its own unique regional/national identity.

There won’t be a “Russia” anymore. There will be independent Ingria, Karelia, Novgorod Republic, Ural Republic, Siberian Republic, Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Yakutia, Kalmykia, Chuvashia, Buryatia, Tuva and many more… Learn these names, familiarize yourselves with them. So that you’re not shocked when the inevitable happens.

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Here the Ukrainian representative highlights yet another horrifying crime that Russia is committing against Ukrainians that I feel is still not being given enough attention. This is the Russians abducting Ukrainian children. In fact, Russian officials freely admit it themselves and even brag about it.

The most obvious historical parallel that immediately comes to my mind is when Turks were raiding the Balkans, kidnapping children and training them into state officials and Janissaries - the elite fighting force that they were later unleashing against the kinsmen of those same abducted children on the Balkans. Those children of southern Slavic and Greek origin were forever separated from their families and were made to forget their roots, inculcated with Islam, hatred of “infidel” Europe and the ideology of conquest. Their physical fitness and cognitive talents were not only forever lost to their countries of origin, but were weaponized against them - against their own people.

Genocide does not only, and not necessarily, involve the physical extermination of the people. Depriving the people of their younger generation, and what's more, to turn that generation against their kinsmen through indoctrination is the most sinister and vile form of genocide.

This is what Russia intends to do with Ukrainian children that it has kidnapped. Firstly, to solve its own demographic problem. And secondly to utilize their aptitudes against Ukrainians themselves later in the future. In fact, some Russian officials have already talked in the past about the children that they "relocated" from Ukraine to Russia and how they are "re-educating" them to become good Russian patriots and abandon "Ukrainian nationalism". Obviously by the latter they mean simply the children being aware and proud of their Ukrainian roots. This is all no different from what Ottoman Turks were doing in the Middle Ages to Greeks and southern Slavs.

Together with liberation of whole Ukrainian territory the liberation of Ukrainian children from Russian captivity should also be on the agenda for the international community. It is a must. Before Russians forge "Janissaries" out of them and unleash against Europe in the coming decades.

The invasion of Ukraine is "justified" and a "correction of history", said Assad.

Everyone who thinks like him will end up the same. All the Russophiles, peaceniks, “contrarians” and “avoiding nuclear war” fetishists will share the same fate as Assad eventually.

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