Фильтр публикаций

listing news 🐈‍⬛

some time ago we revealed who our CEO is

since u guys liked it, here's more news about Eldar...

Fanton, Eldar's other project, is about to list its $FTON token 🤠

Fanton is a fantasy football game on da TON Blockchain, which is already on da market more than 2 years 🍿

Fanton has been supported by top-tier funds, like TON Ventures, Animoca Brands, Dellhi Digital, Kenetic, Hashkey.

will have many uses: Fanton tournaments, staking, buying NFTs and more 🐶

da token will be listed on October 1st and u will be able to trade it on 3 CEXes + DEX on TON

this is exciting news, Buddies!!

read more about $FTON


meme contest is almost over

don't forget to vote for da winner

thanks for ur attention 🥰

we've made a new friend: OGCommunity 🐝

OGCommunity is one of the most influential gaming communities

we talked for a little bit and found out that Bcoin 2048 is... a game 😮

you get it? gaming community and a game...

we have something in common 😉

so here's what u should do

oin OGCommunity and:
• get rewards
• participate in challenges
• utilize unique staking mechanics

once again 🐱

rewards. challenges. community & more

u know what to do

join OGCommunity now 🦍🦍🦍

a secret for y'all 👏

legend has it that if u merge 2048 at exactly 20:48 (or 2:48 am if u want), while chanting "merge", u’ll summon a digital demon that grants you one wish

but be careful...

if u lose before it, the demon takes all of your Bcoins 😐

TRY IT 😵‍💫

which update should we reveal next?
  •   🟡 yellow — exciting update
  •   🟤 brown — mysterious update
  •   🟠 orange — unexpected update
10308 голосов

roadmap of Bcoin: part 1 😋

daily rewards + daily tasks

u guys chose to reveal red tile first 🚨

great choice! we're glad to announce that...

u Buddies will earn EVEN MORE 💰💰💰

we're gonna increase da rewards for those, who play:

1/ daily 😑

2/ every day 😰

3/ on a day-to-day basis 🫣


we will introduce daily rewards + new daily ta

what's da difference?

daily rewards: u get them just for launching da game 💗

daily tasks: u have to do something 🧠

aight Buddies, we need to know...

which update should we reveal next??

a milli a milli a milli a milli a milli 🐵

millions are on our minds right now

today we've finally hit...

5 million players AND 1 million subscribers 🤠

can u believe it?


we're so glad that u are with us, Buddies ❤️

this is just da beginning

our next step?




we'll announce da 1st part of our roadmap very soon, make sure you don't miss it!

eventually e
veryone on ur block will play Bcoin, pinky promise! 👍

hey and do u know what ur next step is?

get more BCOINS 💰💰💰

choose da winner meme
  •   1
  •   2
  •   3
  •   4
  •   5
  •   6
  •   7
  •   8
  •   9
  •   10
19690 голосов

bruh 😬

...this was our reaction to da awful memes u sent us during da meme contest

chill Buddies, we're just kidding 😎

ur memes were funny af

we wanna thank every single Buddy who participated, u are awesome!!!

our experts in memology had a reeeaaally hard time choosing da winners 🧠

but here they are...

da best of da best

who's gonna win da TONs and a secret prize??

u decide 🫵

we'll announce da winner on September 29th at 2 pm UTC

vote for da funniest meme

Bcoin 2048 is at TON's official closed event 😮

our CEO Eldar Khayretdinov is at Token2049 in Singapore, and he has some great news for u, Buddies 🤨

here is da gist: Bcoin keeps playing in da big leagues

stay tuned for da updates...

...and mine them Bcoins 💰

which tile should we reveal first?
  •   🔴 red — life-changing update
  •   🟡 yellow — exciting update
  •   🟤 brown — mysterious update
  •   🟠 orange — unexpected update
13007 голосов

roadmap 2️⃣0️⃣4️⃣8️⃣

da word u've been waiting for...

our team has been cooking up some fire updates for u 😁

they would change the direction of the game completely, but there is one issue...

we thought it would be too boring to reveal all of our plans at once 🤣

so here's da deal

we give u (yes, u 🫵) da power

u choose which tile to reveal first, then u choose which tile to reveal next, then u choose what tile to reveal next, then...

um... anyway 🍿

ur vote really matters, Buddy


we killed da bugs 🐱

while we were cooking new banger updates, we also fixed some bugs:

1/ tiles don't disappear from da playing field

2/ now da game works in every country

3/ da game isn't buggy anymore on big numbers*

*128 is not a big number 🤣

we're so happy for u Buddies, ur game has got da best developers ever!

saying thanks is easy — react with ⭐️

...otherwise we'll bring back all the bugs 😁

do u use BOOSTERS??? 🚀

we were shocked to find out that many of our Buddies know nothing about them.

alright Buddies, here's a tip: boosters will help you to finally merge 128 🤣🤣🤣

okay, enough. jokes aside, why do you need boosters?

🧠 move back. guys, we know how it feels when u accidentally swipe right, and instead of 1024 u get a 2 😔

we think everyone, even u, should have a second chance. get that chance with move back booster.

😏 delete tile. u don't have to think about how to move a tile if you can just remove it.

🦝 free move. when everything is perfect, and more tiles would just make it worse, u can move... for free.

2 won't appear at the worst possible moment and won't ruin the game of ur life.

now that u know what u basically already knew, all u have to do is......

yep, just play Bcoin2048, Buddy! 👀

Bcoin 2048 is on OKX Cryptopedia 🫦

OKX Cryptopedia is a platform for exploring da bestest decentralised apps, including apps from the TON ecosystem

this is an extra serious partnership, Buddies 🤠

what does this mean for Bcoin?

1/ Bcoin 2048 is playing in da big leagues 🐵

only 11 TON projects got a placement on OKX Cryptopedia. we were placed right after TON's official task, that's how serious it is

2/ more Buddies will be mining Bcoins 🐶

3/ EVEN MORE Buddies will be mining Bcoins 👍👍👍

so now we'll just keep moving forward...

...and u'll just MINE BCOINS 💰

it's almost over 😬

da 1st stage of da meme contest will end on August, 31th...

this is ur LAST CHANCE to win our secret prize and some 💎💎💎


our Buddy Pavel Durov is in trouble 😳

and u guys can help to get him out of it!

here's how to join Digital Resistance and get some Bcoins:
1/ open da Earn tab in Bcoin 2048
2/ scroll and find Digital Resistance
3/ follow da instructions

it's that easy, Buddies 😎

check out ur Earn tab

503k 0 50 5 2.9k

BOOOOM!!!! 💥💥💥

what's gonna B next, huh?

maybe.. billion? 🫦

duh no it's gonna B only million.

BUT STILL!!! u Buddies — u r da real ones! u r da heroes! we love u guys 💗

no homo haha




Показано 20 последних публикаций.