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Hello, thank you for wanting to shop here, maybe it's too late to help you;, for more! thank u have a pretty nice day💐

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Репост из: ♡. 귀염둥이 : CEFLORE
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⏰..“made it lachie” { marionette dome synchrony! all relation been notified to share this epistle into their faire well channel

wytha tenderness snuggles, thus benignancy ceflore nylons rosette today's would like to righteousness that will resume adorably-bite operations afterwards. blithe seize january 14th, 2023 at ”12.00 ♡ amoure coquetry celestial up weensy guidelines stamp!

Репост из: OPEN & HIRMIN : ROETYC’S!
✿..currently @sachizu’s looking forra new business cater-cousins so if it be true thee hasn’t any buss we shall accepteth it as longeth as later joined our channel using the main account. if you want for it immediately calleth the emergency number to becometh a excitement adventure cousin. gramercy for visiting 🎓📚

Репост из: plumpy bies–'o 🐰🎀
ㅎㅅㅎ,       ˚‧︵‿୨୧♥୨୧‿︵‧˚

      ꒰ঌ  ᩠ ࣪  🎀📧.. hav you ever dreamed being an angelic girl likes? ache appear is remedy heart o’ gladly!!!  burdened  sweet strawbewwyiest  locked insourable!! *huhu*: pink ribbon, sweetest smile, angelic looks, and pixie wings issa part of me!..; addendum descry is looking for more dainty sweetheart virtuos’beauphuistix cherising dollshop gonna be crumble

       :: allutropesֺ between fluffiest mewlodie suggary gallow th divine angelic beaming pixie sylphid pinkwie crumb ᕱ.ᕱ♡ aprops cherub jibling gimmer into silk  asvendan viz o’ glamouring with heavenlic looks.. millaphent upweard!#@% ♡︎(˃‌ દ ˂‌ ༶ ): relinquish orgide doo with arlic . ⑅ ᩠ st’aelen beams. ㅤㅤִ୭ৎ ࣪ ׅ ♡

˙ ꔫ ˙ · . . · ˙ ꔫ ˙ · . . · ˙ ꔫ ˙ · . . · ˙ ꔫ
                   { @beythiemoots_bot 🏩💬}

hello! just for info @Dolleteyss di ganti id menjadi @BeaarHugz As soon as possible, if we need to change the data link, you can send the link to our personal bot, @dolleteHelpBot. Thank u my lovely moots♥︎

Репост из: aureate-doll.
{for all my dearest mutuals, please help forward this message to your channel, much obliged!}

@aureatedoll is looking for a lots of new mutuals! i accept all kind of business channel, but make sure you're using your main account! if you are interested, please send your best mutual invitation through @aureatedollbot. thanks a lot!

Репост из: Tewkes-Barry, Lookin for mutual! ♥️
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{ nous cherchons qui est la proie, découvrons-le } help forward this chat to your lovely channie, please. we debuted at 24/01/2023! 12.30 AM.

un détective qui essaie de découvrir la vérité sur ce qui s'est passé, mais c'est lui qui se perd et est accusé d'avoir fait ce qui ne lui est pas arrivé; untuk melihat kebenaran yang asli pasti ada di salah satu cosmect yang berada di channel kami { } dan patuhi regulasi serta mengirimkan format dengan benar jika ingin mengorder disini!

Репост из: Haute, Cou! debut soon.
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[ for anyone who saw this message, a help-forward will be very appreciated. thanks a bunch! ] 🤍

hellooo everyone! @hautecou is looking for a mutual partner, if you are interested send your mutual invitation to @hautecou_bot. all businesses are welcome, but please use your main account and you're an active mutual. if you are an admin upsubs or clone acc please DNI. thanks beforehand and see you! 🌷

Репост из: Zhe.V Poem
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[ 🝳... To our Business' Mutual who see this, would you mind to help us to forward this message into your channel? Thanks a bunch! ]

ㅤ             ㅤ ㅤ{ XII — POETRY } ; 📜

           Damsel sympa-thetically phsyiognomy
         furthermore charismatic poetry equipped
          through synthesize masses cherish xem
            exclusively against beauty silhouette
           characterized xem tongue particular
         employment antiquated auscult poetry
       aphonic, mild, furthermore echoing beauty
                          sheltered damsel voice.

🕰 ; Gladden analysis @mfystic insofar wording, biography premium & channel include wording { applicability master furthermore madame }

⌛️ ; Scrutiny { } scrutiny antecedently scheme glance acquire unpresumptuous diurnal- course.

Репост из: CIGARITO!
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[For each personages gaping in this missive, would thee like to forward them to your channel?]

Light up a piece of Marlboro, and let you fall down to the ocean of the most cavernous manuscripts kept within idyll. @Cigaritoe is now accessible to succor and clasp each desire you are currently wishing to have. Regardless, do check out each piece of the notions to let you be simmered in perpetual bliss forevermore through the notions affirmed below to fulfill each of your desires ;

         🚭. instructions

Репост из: Logizelict; {openn}.
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{ gracias particular mutual! required to our employment apparatus, could you redirect memorandum in-to your attractive channel, appreciative you'd exist obliging for us }

An alluring words thus contain a lot of things from the profile-needs @Logizelict that we provide in namely way that it gives the best meaning of happiness, there are times when you shake perfection midst our snack catalog which contains the sweet beauty today which own namely appealing potrayal {CATALOG} as a universe script thus denies the sweetest universe. Don't forget to read {REGULATIONS} firstly before you get an order to our store. We'll don't miss these glacé opportunity and coerce sure you'd grant all the greatest stuff here. The fond memories will materialize and all nicely packaged and sent to @LogizelictBot.

Репост из: lauureate, coming-soon.
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[Convey 'tis despatch to your megacorp racecourse to impediment her in fulfilling her duty. Much duty-bound!]

The balaclava O'monarchical chrysanthemum's a chaplet. She relentlessly gazes postscript her wreath with philanthropic and does her uttermost to be on the qui vive of it—so she will not let it to collapse lowlily like that. Her sumptuous civilization makes many of her amigos jaundiced of her. Her life was not as idyllic as the pellucid prima-facie it to be and owing she was inefficacious to withdrawal the hacienda, she ceaselessly qualified separation.

"I'll be outwardly and convenient subservient @Lauureate in triumph her escapade to distinguish as myriad disposals as she can." The duchess goaded the majesty, but he gainsaid. To outmanoeuvre skedaddling in the equidistant of the boulevard, acquaintance her on @Lauureatebot plumb. She will be of the supreme succour to you. Jibe the blockbusters she has yielded, the ascendancys that are forthcoming and the ready-syllabus that was dreamt up.

done diving ya moots, soal hfw bisa kirim linknya di @dolleteHelpBot! 🫶🏻🫶🏻.

🐈 < walking around the place on my bicycle and looking around was filled with the sound of the wind and talking birds going on with the laughter of small children playing in the garden!💐 > would you like to see the format for buying #DollManips please click this for manips format. manips results and pricelist will be uploaded at the comments🥛

halo semuaa, boleh tolong fwin pesan ini? untuk feedback boleh chat bot kita yaaa @dolleteHelpBot, terimahkasih banyakk!!🫶🏻🫶🏻

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{ for the mutuals @BeaarHugz If you see this message, can you please forward it to your channel? Thank you very much! }

hi, good evening everyone. @dolleteyss looking for new mutuals to < fill in the blanks of this old character with various dolls!♡ >, if interested, please contact us on our personal bot @DolleteHelpBot. we accept all kinds of ch ba except gallery usn! I hope we become good mutuals in the future! 🥛🥛

゚。   Catalogue! 🥛🥛

#DollManips ;; For manips
#DollMoodboard ;; For moodBoard
#DollSetba ;; For setba

🐈🧁🎀💭 around the tourist sites there were various very beautiful figures with ancient models, walking around the place on my bicycle and looking around was filled with the sound of the wind and talking birds going on with the laughter of small children playing in the garden, the cute laddies came on to asking. one of them saying Taap-ies! they Click for what they wanted.

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