lawful Resistance

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We beat the bailiffs using DSARs and
Helping people with unlawful bailiff Bullies

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Pursuant to the pre-action protocols for debt claims (2017) as laid out by the Lord Chief Justice, you have the right to ask for proof of claim and the "Claimant' has 30 Days to provide the information and if they can't provide it they must explain why not.
Look at section 5.1 and 5.2.
I have used this many times and every time it works because your using there own rules against them. Also as previously stated finish the notice (last paragraph) with: Take Notice: This is Not a complaint nor an appeal and is not to be treated as such... This stops them trying their BS before it starts and even if they still try it?
Then on the second notice (Notice of fault with opportunity to cure) you can simply point out that you have all ready given them Notice that it wasn't a complaint and that they
(assuming they haven't provided the proofs of claim by then?) are in breach of the aforementioned pre-action protocols. This makes it very difficult to try to run it into court. As you probably realise... The courts are all about following protocols. Give them an additional 14 days with the second notice and for good measure, once that has passed, send the 3rd Notice of [De]fault and give them another 7 days. Once this is done, you have been more than reasonable (3 Chances) and then it's game over. Finish off with irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence. GAME OVER!!!

DO NOT refuse to pay your energy bill in October. Below is how you can make a stand and hurt your energy supplier without getting into debt/damaging your credit rating:

1. Cancel your DD & pay for what you use each month.

2. You then need to write a letter of complaint to your energy supplier. Once that complaint had been raised, your energy supplier can't take any debt collection work on your account, so they can't pass your details to the credit reference agencies etc. That bill gets put on hold whilst they try to resolve your complaint.

The energy company might offer you a small reduction - DON'T accept it. Keep the complaint open & hold strong.

3. Eventually, they will send you a letter of 'Deadlock'. A letter of Deadlock is a letter that is sent to you from your energy company saying they gone as far as they can with your complaint & can't go any further, so your only option now is to take it up with the energy Ombudsman.

For every complaint the Ombudsman receives, they charge your energy supplier £500 for every claim they have to investigate.

4. The energy companies also have limitations on how many complaints they're allowed open as well as a turnaround time of how fast they have to respond to a complaint & get a complaint closed. If they don't respond to them fast enough & don't resolve the complaints or they have too many complaints open, the energy firm will also get hit with a fine from the Ombudsman.

This is how your hurt an energy company. This will also put them in breach of their licensing conditions
& put their ability to trade at risk.

So if you want to fight these extortionate price hikes
1. Raise complaints
2. Do NOT close them
3. Take them to the Ombudsman

You can also submit a “data subject access request” at the same time as the above. This means the energy company has a legal obligation to provide you with every piece of information they have on you; including telephone conversation transcripts, past bills, everything! This is time consuming for them to collect and is a huge hassle for them however they legally have only one month to comply.

Hey guys as soon as we get the numbers up in the group I am going to help everyone beat these bailiffs and share everything I ve learnt on my Journey.

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