Репост из: Неизвестно
ini ya, sebenarnya gua ga terlalu bisa bikin kata kata kayak gini tapi gapapalah demi lo gua deskribsiin biar lo seneng. lo itu baik orangnya, keras kepala, bawel juga, clingy sometimes itu bikin lo act like a cute girl from heaven WKWKWK. lo asik juga, definitely lo punya temen yang asik di ajak bercanda tapi asik juga buat di ajak ngobrol. jangan malu malu kalo mau cerita, I'm all ears. kalo mau cerita feel free buat knock my room chat. jangan lupa juga buat always being a good listener for me, so far yang namanya kaje always pretty asf. gua prefer panggil lo the most prettiest kalau perlu, karna emang gitu kenyataannya. you're really kind, and you're really likes to give me a spread love, I'm so feel so lucky to meet u, kaje. I can't describe how lucky am I bisa ketemu sama orang se kind lo ya.. even just roleplay. you kow what? yesterday i'm talking to myself. i'm telling myself that how lucky i am because i met an angel like you. i'm telling myself that you're such a perfect thing that i have to protect. why you always treats me very well. you're the best things ever in this whole world and im so lucky to know this most perfect person as my friend. thankyou for giving me all your love, affection, and making me smile everyday ya. get a good sleep, good night