Bilal’s Boulder

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The Hajj of Jahiliyya was (1) a cultural ritual, and (2) a business venture. What is it today?

The people treated their gods like family relics and lucky charms. These gods did not have a real, substantive presence in their lives. The Ka'ba was the epicentre of Jahiliyya - it housed the idols, it was surrounded by naked followers, and it was where petty business was conducted.
Satan does not have the power to create; only the power to corrupt. Instead of building his own temple, he subverted the holiest temple, flipping its true purpose onto its head. Satanism is to reverse good and evil, and reorder everything backwards.

The epicentre of the human being is the qalb. If the qalb is filled with the idols of this world, then it too needs to be purified and returned to its proper function - monotheism.

A true understanding of Hajj requires a true understanding of tawhid and islam. Hajj recounts the desperation of Hagar, and how her reliance on God led to her rescue. Just as the zamzam came in a dry, arid, hostile place, the Prophet Muhammad (s) and the revelation sprung in the land of emptiness and ignorance to deliver the people from the edge of a pit of fire (3:103). Just as Abraham sought to sacrifice his only son for God's glory, we have to make sacrifices for God: traveling to this hot and distant land (often, in the past, on barefoot), shaving our head, shedding our riches, wearing shrouds, sacrificing our wealth and our animals. The appetitive, lower self is sacrificed on Hajj, and you are born again. A sacrifice of life is what is needed to enter into a covenant with Allah - that is why it is called a "qurban".

But how many of us have treated Islam as family heritage? How many of us use God only when it is convenient? How many of us will only do good when there is material benefit being sought? How many of us are people of ritual, but no substance? Or "substance", but no ritual?
If Hajj is about sacrifice, how many of us are willing to "sacrifice" a few days in a 5-star hotel, but not sacrifice anything of substance for the glory of God?

When it was time for Husayn b. Ali, the master of the youth of Paradise, to depart to Kufa, he changed his niyya of Hajj to a niyya of Umra. He called the people of Mecca and Medina to join him, but they did not. Why would he leave during the season of Hajj? Because he needed to go and actualize the principle of Hajj, whilst the people were more attached to its ritual. And that's exactly what he did, till he himself was slaughtered.
To make a mockery of this important pillar is a sin. Today, God has barred the people from visiting His House. Once we regain our sincerity, perhaps He will let us back in. But without sincerity, the One who can lock the heart of man can lock the heart of Earth. Once we make hijra from Jahiliyya completely, our return to Mecca - our glorious "reconquest" - can happen again.

The conquests of yesterday were conquests of land, property, and other valuables. The people were used as slaves, the land was used for agriculture, and the property was used as war booty. With these riches, a nation was able to improve its overall quality of life, and reinforce itself for further conquests. Some of these conquests still take place. The building of Israeli settlements is one example.

But most of the conquests of today are conquests over people and minds. These are the most valuable resources. A young, educated, hard-working person is more valuable than land or gold. Such a person pays taxes, keeps businesses alive, creates jobs; and may even create a company, an industry, a service, a technological advancement, a scientific advancement, or a new discovery. He or she does this over a period of many decades, and each person spends and creates hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars for the country they live in.

The person may also become an ambassador of your nation's ideals to other peoples. They become a walking, flying advertisement of that nation's principles. Soft power.

This new form of conquest began roughly after the Second World war, and it has made the West immensely rich by the 1990s onward. Just before the late 1990s, the West had its race riots, its lynchings, its Protestant-Catholic tensions in Ireland, its Quebecois and Irish armed separatists, its Jim Jones and other cults, and its serial killers.

The U.S. alone accounts for 30% of the world's wealth (Russia accounts for less than 1%). So much of this wealth is domestic in origin. The U.S. government makes 3 trillion dollars per year on taxes alone.

So while we campaign against racism and immigration policies in the U.S., look in our own backyard. How many of us could become citizens of the Gulf countries? Almost none. How many of us would thrive as black Muslims in the Arab, Turkic, Persian, or Desi world? I don't even need to ask.

Even Muslim countries with low birth rates and aging populations make it very hard or impossible to immigrate, gain citizenship, and be treated equally to everyone. And yet, that is where the money is today. A young, educated, hard-working person is more valuable than land, gold, oil, or uranium.

As the global skirmish has changed, the Muslim world's strategy must change too. Small, nationalist states do us little good, and instead they do much harm.

The more you read, the more your reading humbles you to what you don’t know. The more humble you are, the more grateful you will feel for the favours of life. The more grateful you are, the more happy you will be in life.

The possibility of dying while committing a sin should be enough to frighten you into abandoning it.

Guilty 😂

According to the World Giving Index, the most charitable country in the world in 2018 was Indonesia.

We are so used to ranking countries by GDP, but even Simon Kuznets, the economist who helped develop GDP, warned against using GDP as a measurement for how well a country is doing.

Despite the poverty and conflict of countries like Libya, Iraq, and others, they also make it high on the list. Perhaps we should be looking at how generous a country is *in spite of* its GDP, because charitableness is far better measure of civilization than income.

"The universe is 93 billion light-years in size, why would a God care about my private life?"

By this logic, your public life shouldn't matter either. Murder is an insignificant event in a trillion-star universe with an endless amount of planets. And yet, we all agree that it is morally reprehensible.

The size of an offense is also no measurement of its rightness or its wrongness. There are many big permissible things and small impermissible things, and vice versa.

God is not someone on a far-away planet looking at us through a telescope. He created and sustains every atom of existence, and has concern over the lives of the smallest of creatures. Any system of morality that He puts in place is for our own benefit and not His. To Him, the dunya has the significance of the wing of a mosquito. And yet, He gave balance to both.

If we can say no to food, water, and sex, then we will be able to say no to anything else; because we need those three, and we don't need anything else.

tfw you get utterly obliterated on your supposed area of expertise by a processed meat product product

Staring the moon right in the eye
Sharing the boon of the starry night sky
Sparkling diamonds fall
Charming silence sings its tune
The heavens stall in awe
As the angels and spirit withdraw
My mouth dries but my heart moistens
My brain wearies but my mind rejoices
My stomach turns but my insides yearn
My body weakens but my spirit strengthens
I trade crumbs for His Nearness
I exchange sips for His Oneness
As the crescent stares back in confidence
I blush away from His winking countenance
For His veils are lifted for those who think
As the nexus rises and the material sinks
Peace is here until dawn's brink

-- Bilal Muhammad

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