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In a world of selfish people
The selfish succeed

Lesson learnt ✅

Admit it
We all have lost that one person we used to call bestie

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The whole world loved her except the one she loved

Usual Flowers 🪔

If we only have one life , why not to spend it by being yourself ?
Why to pretend to be someone that you will never be , if you want to be liked by everyone there is no point in that and inevitably you will lose yourself
Embrace your flaws since no one is perfect

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Have you watched Death Note 📝💀
If so , what would you do if you had a death note ?

Репост из: Veneficus | Bakhodir
No comment 😂


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Reality of a music lover

Officially 140 subscribers 🍸

🗣:what did u buy from your hayitlik ?

📌 5 Reasons to Take SAT Even If It’s Optional

1) Optional isn't really optional for those who want full scholarship

Some schools that are test optional strongly recommend you submit your SAT results. So, you have to do your best to get high score, and submit your SAT to improve your chances of getting in.

2)Your high school diploma isn't international qualified

I believe you have heard about IB or A-Level. If you haven't studied on one of the qualifications, then you should probably take the SAT. Admission officers know about education systems of countries, which they are reviewing students from. Make sure you are convincing Admission Counsellor that you are Academically ready to study at their college.

3)Your Scores Are Within the College’s Middle Range for Previously Admitted Students

Most colleges list the scores earned by the middle 50% of each incoming class of first-year students on their websites; look for them on the university’s admissions or quick facts pages. If you earn a score within or above that stated range, go ahead and submit your SAT results.

4) Your grades(GPA) are lower than average

If your GPA is lower than what’s required by the colleges you’re applying to, working hard to earn a high SAT score can help you offset your grades and strengthen your application. An above-average to exemplary test result can prove to admissions crews that you are ready for the rigors of academic coursework in college, regardless of what’s on your transcript.

5)Your Intended Major or Honors Program Requires It

Even if a college or university is test optional, honors programs and certain degree programs within that school, especially if they’re competitive, can still require applicants to achieve a specific SAT score to be admitted to that major. If you already know which major you’ll be pursuing, check out that department’s website for their eligibility requirements.
Partial credits to @satashkent

♻️Sharing is caring

Be unique in your own way no matter what people want to see you as

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Have a nice day 🩻

— hayitda qancha soqqa qildinglar?😅

Happy hayit

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Do you remember this song ?

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🤩 Orzularingiz sari tramplin tayyor!

Top Uni Camp 2024’ga qabul ochildi!

😎 Yoshlarni dunyoning TOP 100 talik universitetlariga o‘qishga topshirish bo‘yicha bilimlarini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan ushbu oromgohning birinchi mavsumi 15-21-iyul kunlari bakalavr bosqichi, 15-21-avgust kunlari esa magistratura bosqichi bo‘yicha bo‘lib o‘tadi.

Muhim: Ushbu qabul ham bakalavr, ham magistratura bosqichi uchun amal qiladi. Magistratura uchun qabul qaytadan ochilmaydi.

⬇️ Quyidagi havola orqali roʻyxatdan oʻting va Top Uni Camp 2024 da ishtirok etish imkonini qo’lga kiriting.

👉 Roʻyxatdan oʻtish

*Bu yangilikni do’stlaringizga ham ulashing, do’stlar bilan 1 haftalik sayohatga nima yetsin))

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Who knows how to register for SAT ?

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