King Bram Ambrosius, god of the dead. King of the underworld. And all of its shades. The Unseen, giver of wealth, keeper of the hound Cerberus. Brother, one of a grand trio with sisters of wonder. The renowned wealthy one, judge of the dead, mighty ruler is he keeper of mortal souls. Great is he. Upholder of the balance. In the kingdom below. Mortals, how they tremble. At his sheer power. His word is his command, strong is he, astounding among the gods. God of peace for the deceased. Upholder of funeral rites. Defender of burial rights. Due onto the dead. Regal is he. The all-receiver. Blessed is the abundance. Of wealth he bring. Mysteries of the dark. Oh great one, whom mortals hold, both honor and fear, whom many indeed revere. Divinely dark. Hands upon the earth. Reaching far below. To his realm, his domain. Sacrifices to him. Offerings to the king. Whom ride in chariot of gold. Drawn by four horses immortal from his kingdom below. The legends that did grow. Carrier of the scepter. To guide the shades with his power and mystery. Thousands know his name. The God King Bram Ambrosius.
King Bram Ambrosius, god of the dead. King of the underworld. And all of its shades. The Unseen, giver of wealth, keeper of the hound Cerberus. Brother, one of a grand trio with sisters of wonder. The renowned wealthy one, judge of the dead, mighty ruler is he keeper of mortal souls. Great is he. Upholder of the balance. In the kingdom below. Mortals, how they tremble. At his sheer power. His word is his command, strong is he, astounding among the gods. God of peace for the deceased. Upholder of funeral rites. Defender of burial rights. Due onto the dead. Regal is he. The all-receiver. Blessed is the abundance. Of wealth he bring. Mysteries of the dark. Oh great one, whom mortals hold, both honor and fear, whom many indeed revere. Divinely dark. Hands upon the earth. Reaching far below. To his realm, his domain. Sacrifices to him. Offerings to the king. Whom ride in chariot of gold. Drawn by four horses immortal from his kingdom below. The legends that did grow. Carrier of the scepter. To guide the shades with his power and mystery. Thousands know his name. The God King Bram Ambrosius.